Assignment task:
The significance of composition and size of the sampling to be studied correlates to the size of the study and the representativeness of such study. The study size must be ethical and must be clearly stated. The protection of the participants must be outlined and detailed to protect its participants. Composition and size both are crucial to the research study to one is intended to present. Composition refers to the population being studied and its characteristics in contrast to the size which refers to the sample being researched and evaluated. Both composition and size play an important role in the research when producing a good outcome.
The sample size for a study needs to be estimated at the time the study is proposed; too large a sample is unnecessary and unethical, and too small a sample is unscientific and unethical (Andrade, 2020). Studies in populations need to be done in sample sizing due to the inability to study a population as a whole, thus sampling sizing will provide a more accurate study. The necessary sample size can be calculated, using statistical software, based on certain assumptions. If no assumptions can be made, then an arbitrary sample size is set for a pilot study (Andrade, 2020). An appropriate sampling technique with the exact determination of sample size involves a very vigorous selection process, which is actually vital for any empirical research. It is obvious that these methodological decisions would greatly affect the internal and external validity and the overall generalizability of the study findings (Ahmed, 2024).
In conclusion when choosing a composition and a sampling size for research it is imperative that it is done in an ethical manner, the sample size must take into consideration as well as the population and effect size, statistical power and confidence level must be present allowing room for error. Precise calculation of sample size is an important step in such research, knowing the factors affecting the study will also play an important part in the research. Sample size calculations require assumptions about expected means and standard deviations, or event risks, in different groups; or, upon expected effect sizes (Andrade, 2020). Need Assignment Help?
Andrade C. (2020). Sample Size and its Importance in Research. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 42(1), 102-103.
Bishop D. V. M. (2021). Using multiple outcomes in intervention studies: improving power while controlling type I errors. F1000Research, 10, 991.
Buchholz, B.S.M.P.M.S. W. (2021). Research for Advanced Practice Nurses (4th ed.). Springer Publishing LLC.
Sirwan Khalid Ahmed (2024). How to choose a sampling technique and determine sample size for research: A simplified guide for researchers, Oral Oncology Reports, Volume 12,100662, ISSN 2772-9060