Assignment 1: The Analytical Essay.
Choose one of the following topics and develop an analytical essay of 500 to 600 words
Your essay will be marked on the following elements: clear thesis, main points that support the thesis, good use of detail to explain and illustrate your main points, smooth transitions between paragraphs, coherent, unified, and well-developed paragraphs, introduction and conclusion that signal the beginning and ending of the essay both in content and tone, grammatically correct sentences, accurate word choices, standard spelling and punctuation.
- Explain how a specific event, circumstance, or situation has helped shape some aspect of your personality or interests.
- Discuss how the neighborhood or community in which you grew up or live now has affected some aspect of your life or the lives of its residents in general.
- Discuss ways in which an event or circumstance at work has affected your approach to or understanding of a specific aspect of your job.