Choose Yes if the underlined word (s) is capitalized correctly. Yes or No answer
1. Call someone from our research department for assistance.
2. The beautiful symphony was written by the Composer Franz Schubert.
3. The President of Jamco is only a teenager.
4. John Dunning, Vice President of Computer Graphics, will speak at our monthly computer club meeting.
5. The Federal Government seems to grow larger each day.
6. How will President-Elect Clinton react to the news?
7. We have an annual visit from the local Fire Department.
8. Representing Stillhouse was the town's mayor, Tom Jones.
9. Are you familiar with Tristar corporation?
10. Which Hotel have you chosen as the headquarters?
11. Attorney general John Smith was elected in November.
12. The Senators who make up the committee have seniority.
13. My Aunt will be on the morning train.
14. Please ask the Shipping Department to review the bill of lading.
15. Do you believe that law is Constitutional?
16. Who is the governor of Texas?
17. Please meet us at the corner of Gray and Tenth streets.
18. I have applied for entrance to the University of Texas.
19. The van Doren book is a best seller.
20. You will find the answers in the Answer Key (See pages 215-225).