
Choose up to three monsters and develop an argument about

Outline for research paper

Background: outline is designed to start the research process for our research paper. You will be required to commit to a topic for our research project, and to tell me how you want to research that topic.


Topic:Choose up to three "monsters" (such as any kinds of monsters in the films and novels) and develop an argument about their "human rights."

(I recommend using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the United Nations). You can argue that they deserve them or that they do not deserve them. Consider whether they are "human" or have enough "human" left in them to be treated as one and if so, what "rights" are they entitled to and why? What are they not entitled to? Why not?

Then:Compose a written response detailing how you wish to research this topic. What specific angle do you wish to take and why? You must also point to your topic by your resources you searched.

Other Requirements:

*Your paper must establish context. This means that you must tell us a little bit about your topic before jumping into the point you want to make.

Context may include:

-An overview of your topic

-Quotes from your outside sources


1. Support from at least seven scholarly sources. (SCHOLARLY JOURNALS) (Peer Reviewed)

2. Support from at least three other outside sources, which do not need to be scholarly but must be credible and appropriate to this assignment

*Your conclusion must address the larger issue you are dealing with. Do not repeat everything in your paper, but use the conclusion to tell us why this topic is relevant, important, or worth exploring. Try to avoid introducing new or unrelated topics in your conclusion.

The following tips may help you establish a direction for your paper:

• If you're having trouble coming up with a topic, do a bit of research first! Remember the methods we learned during class time. You have access to many different resources, don't hesitate to use them!

Technical Stuff:

• 12 pt Times New Roman Font, MLA format, 1 inch margins

• Length: 3 pages

GEW Research Paper


We have been discussing the many ways in which human beings react to the monstrous. These "monsters" develop out of our own fears of ourselves, society as a whole, and things we cannot control, both physical and otherwise.

At the same time, just because something is seen as monstrous does not mean it is without humanity, causing us some ethical and moral dilemmas when dealing with them. We have already begun exploring these concepts - let's keep going!


Address the following in a min. of 10 pages:

Choose up to three "monsters" and develop an argument about their "human rights."(I recommend using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the United Nations).

You can argue that they deserve them or that they do not deserve them. Consider whether they are "human" or have enough "human" left in them to be treated as one and if so, what "rights" are they entitled to and why? What are they not entitled to? Why not?

Research Component

This paper will be based on significant outside research. You are required to include the following:

• Support from at least seven scholarly sources.

• Support from at least three other outside sources, which do not need to be scholarly but must be credible and appropriate to this assignment

• An annotated bibliography documenting each source in your paper (Ancillary Five)

We may visit the library once for an instruction day to teach you how to find sources, and will definitely conduct an in-class research day at least once to give you ample time to collect sources and get help vetting them. You are expected to find your own sources outside of class time, however, and are encouraged to work with the librarians for further help as well.

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Dissertation: Choose up to three monsters and develop an argument about
Reference No:- TGS02518142

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