
Choose three different feminist criticism terms below and

Take 3 different quotes from feminist criticism and apply each to one of this week's stories/poems, so you'll have 3 separate responses here--a quote and an illustration of that quote for three of the stories/poems in the readings. You will note that a couple of the poets have a couple of poems and that the Arnold and Hecht poems are inter-related. You may, if you like, refer to both poems in one of your responses but you should do so only in context of one of your responses. In other words, don't respond to both Piercy or Olds's poems in two separate responses. Also, you will see that both Glaspell readings are the same story, one in dramatic and one in prose form, so with these, too, you can respond to both in one of your responses but not in two separate ones. Don't forget to use specific quotes from the stories/poems as well, and then respond to at least two of your peers' comments. Please see the module on feminism for examples.

Choose three different Feminist Criticism terms below and apply one to three different stories:

• écritureféminine-translates as "feminine writing"; the term used to define the unique qualities of women's writing

• feminine-a culture assumption that should not be confused with the word "female," which denotes a biological fact

• first wave of the feminist movement-began in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century that focused on gaining equality for women

• gynocriticism-the study of women writers

• literary canon-a collection of literature that has been determined by a specific culture to be "the best"

• patriarchal society-a culture dominated by men

• second wave of the feminist movement-emerged in the 1960s/70s, focusing on equal rights for women in the home, work place, and society in general

Stories/poems you must choose from:

• Ernest Hemingway, "Hills Like White Elephants" (114-118), Marge Piercy, "Barbie Doll" (533-534) and "What's that smell in the kitchen?" Sharon Olds, "Sex without Love" (554) and "Rite of Passage", Matthew Arnold, "Dover Beach" (507-508), Anthony Hecht, "The Dover Bitch," Susan Glaspell, Trifles (743-755) and "A Jury of Her Peers".

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Dissertation: Choose three different feminist criticism terms below and
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