
Choose three articles from their research list the three

Assignment - Locate 3 Internet articles that cover the topics of:

  • Global/International Marketing
  • International Business
  • Globalization in General
  • Currency or Monetary Globalization

Choose the three articles from their research List the three articles along with the author and the source. The next step is to narrow your choice to ONE article. Start your paper by telling me the three articles you chose (title, author, and source). Then tell me why you chose the one you decided to write about. YOU ARE ONLY WRITING ABOUT 1 ARTICLE.

After you've narrowed your choice to one article, students are to write a 3-4 page, double-spaced paper that addresses the following:

1. First, list the three (3) articles you found during your research - their titles and the author along with the source for each. Then, choose one (1) article to write about AND TELL ME WHY YOU CHOSE THIS PARTICULAR ARTICLE.

2. Main theme of the article - the author's major point.

3. The international significance of the article - why is it important?

4. The major international Implications" of the article.

5. How does the article tie to Global Marketing Strategies?

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Management Theories: Choose three articles from their research list the three
Reference No:- TGS02661554

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