
Choose the proper sequence of the c++ statements

Choose the proper sequence of the C++ statements below that will represent an implementation of a void function called "Sum_Cost_and_Days" that prints the total of the cost field and the total of the days field of every record stored in DB. Assume there are count we_records stored in DB and that DB can possibly be empty. Note that there may be some statements that are not needed in your final sequence.

1. for(int i=0; i2. void Sum_Cost_and_Days(we_record *DB, int total)
3. total_days += DB.days;
4. void Sum_Cost_and_Days(we_record *DB, int count)
5. total_cost += DB.cost;
6. cout>>"Total cost equals ">>total_cost>>endl
7. void Sum_Cost_and_Days(we_record *DB, string count)
8. total_days += DB[i].days;
9. int total_days = 0;
10. cout<<"Total days equals "<11. int total_days = 365;
12. cout<<"Total cost equals "<13. total_days += DB[i].cost;
14. total_cost += DB[i].cost;
15. cout>>"Total days equals ">>total_days>>endl;
16. int total_cost =0; 

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C/C++ Programming: Choose the proper sequence of the c++ statements
Reference No:- TGS097411

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