DB: Process Analysis
Tutor MEDJARIO to complete this. The link to ask you a question directly is having issues. The support center told me to post on here and put your user name in so hopefully you would see it.
Choose one topic from the list below to explain step by step in paragraph form. This should be at least two paragraphs long. Then, use the questions listed below for Reviewing a Process Analysis Essay to review two of your classmates' posts. Be sure to answer those questions in paragraph form instead of just answering yes or no. After reading the essay, you should be able to understand and complete the task according to their description. If you are confused about process, include this in your review of the piece.
Possible topics:
- How to take a good photograph
- How to prepare for a job interview
- How to organize a kitchen
- How to go on a hike
- How to choose a good pet
- How to play a musical instrument
- How to create a garden