
Choose one situation to evaluate and answer the following


Assignment 1: Stress and Coping

There are many different types of stress and various impacts that stressful situations can have on all areas of our health. Review these possible stress-provoking situations.

  • Sally is a hardworking young professional who was applauded for her work performance and given more responsibility. After a few months there is a rapid decline in her productivity and she is seen withdrawing from work. Sally's new manager constantly criticizes her for her lack of productivity, which makes her performance worse, and causes her more worry.
  • Nancy is ready to leave the house for work and spills coffee on her clean work clothes. Then, she finds that her car will not start. When she tries to call for help, she realizes her cell phone is disconnected because she did not pay the bill. She starts to cry.
  • Bob found out that one of his best friends just died. The funeral will be held next week.
  • Tom is called at work and told that he needs to pick up his teenage son from school. This is the second time this year that his son has been sent home for fighting. Tom's boss is not happy that he requests to leave work early.
  • Tracy, a single mother, finds she doesn't have enough money left to buy food for her children before her next paycheck in two weeks. This is the third time this year she has struggled to put food on the table.

Choose one situation to evaluate and answer the following questions:

  • Does this represent chronic or acute stress?
  • What type of response might the body and brain be experiencing to manage the stressor?
  • What would be the goal for coping with this stress? (eliminate, reduce, tolerate)
  • What type of coping strategy should be implemented-emotion-focused coping or problem-directed coping? How would the individual employ this approach? In other words, using this type of coping strategy, what could he or she do to cope with the stressor? Give 2 examples.
  • Write 2 "coping self-statements" the individual might make in response to this stressor. You will find some examples of coping self-statements in your textbook.
  • What are some of the potential long-term impacts on this individual's health if he or she does not find a way to cope with this stressor?

Please be sure you address each question, using terms and concepts from your text. A good initial discussion response should be at least 150-250 words in length. In order to earn full credit for participation, you must respond to two or more classmates in a substantive manner before the end of the module.

Assignment 2: Review and Application of Learning Theory


In psychology, learning theory refers to how we acquire basic responses and behaviors. We study three different types of learning: learning through association (classical conditioning), learning through reward or punishment (operant conditioning), and learning through imitation (observational learning). Learning theory is explored primarily through the Behavioral perspective, which emphasizes how the environment shapes who we are and how we behave.


Choose one of the following options and respond to the essay questions:

Option A:

1. Provide an original example from your own life history of Classical Conditioning. Your example should provide enough specific detail to illustrate the concept.

2. Explain how each of the five key terms listed below may apply to your example.

Unconditioned Stimulus

Unconditioned Response

Neutral Stimulus

Conditioned Response

Conditioned Stimulus

Option B:

1. Provide an original example from your own life history of Operant Conditioning. Your example should provide enough specific detail to illustrate the concept.

2. Explain how each of the five key terms listed below apply to your example. If a term does not apply to your example, explain why.

  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Punishment
  • Schedule of Reinforcement
  • Thorndike's Law of Effect
  • Extinction

Your response should be at least one page (500 words) written in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. For help in citing sources, click on Academic Resources under Course Home.


Assignment 1: Applying Memory Research to Learning

First review the Memory chapter in your textbook, then respond to all of the following prompts.

a. Describe how the process of memorization works. Use the terms Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval in your explanation.  

b. Imagine that you have a son in 7th grade. Your son needs to memorize all the states and their capitals for his social studies class. Based on what you have learned in your text, provide two memory tips or techniques for your son to use. In each case, provide enough detail to illustrate the technique you are recommending.  

c. State one fact you've learned about memory this module that will help you in your own studies.  

Please be sure you address each question, using terms and concepts from your text. A good initial discussion response should be at least 150-250 words in length. 

In order to earn full credit for participation, you must respond to two or more classmates in a substantive manner before the end of the module. Comment on or question the techniques that they recommended as compared to your own suggestions.

Assignment 2: Theories of Development and Application


In this assignment, you will explore and apply theories of development to your personal experiences.


Understanding theories of development is key in psychology. All people proceed through specific areas of change and growth in key areas as they go through life. Whatever path we take in life, understanding theories of development will assist us in motivating and guiding others, as well as understanding ourselves.


Apply the theories of development to your personal life experience by answering each of the following questions.

1. Jean Piaget's Stage Theory of Cognitive Development: At what age do you feel you entered the stage of Formal Operational Thought? Explain the stage briefly and then focus on providing examples of ways your thinking has shifted to indicate you have developed into this stage of reasoning. (For instance, provide an example of how your views of justice or morality have shifted as you've matured.)

2. Developmental Stage Theory of Erik Erikson: Choose one stage from Erikson's Developmental Stage Theory and apply it to your own life. Explain the stage, age that it occurs, and how the central challenge of that stage played out in your life. What was the outcome of this stage for you? Did anything happen in your life prior to that stage that affected the outcome? How does the outcome from that stage affect how you are today? Provide specific details that demonstrate your understanding of the stage you choose.

3. Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development: Considering the moral or ethical decisions that you have made in your life, describe one decision you made based on one of the three levels of moral development. Be sure to clearly explain the level of moral development and clearly identify the underlying ethical reasoning behind your decision. (For instance, you may explain a decision you made based on Preconventional morality when you were a child, or you may focus on a decision you made from a higher level of development as an adult.)

4. Developmental Milestones: Motor Development. The unfolding of biological potential is known as "maturation." Motor skill development in babies is mostly controlled by the process of maturation. Think about a child that you have known (yourself, your own child, a friend or family member). Describe how the child progressed from rolling over, to sitting, standing, and walking. At what age did each milestone occur? Did the development occur in a "typical" sequence based on what you've learned in your text? Is there anything that occurred in the child's environment that either delayed motor development or facilitated it? What is the difference between "maturation" and "learning," based on your readings and observation?

Module 4 Overview -

In this Module we cover the topics of Motivation and Social Psychology. We will learn about some motivational theories and consider how culture and gender might play a role in ethically working with others. We will explore the social processes evident in behavior and some prominent research experiments tested by psychologists. We will learn about the behavior of individuals in social situations and the effects of social dynamics on behavior.

Assignment 1: Social Psychology

Consider these examples from a typical, large suburban high school.

1. Kelly is a sophomore who attends a meeting of the all-male robotics club. She says she has an interest in joining the club and working on building a robot for an upcoming competition. The male members of the club snicker at her and one boy puts his foot out and "accidently" trips Kelly in the aisle. The male teacher in the room tells the boys to settle down, but he also tells Kelly that he isn't sure she would have the necessary skills for the club, since the other members have all had several years experience building robots. "After all," he said, "you were probably playing with dolls for all the years these boys were building things and experimenting with electronics."

2. John is an artistic, intelligent boy who is not interested in sports or other "typical" male pursuits. He enjoys writing fiction and poetry for the school newspaper. When he gets on the school bus no one will share a seat with him. He ends up standing and a group of students in the back of the bus harass and heckle him, calling him homophobic slurs.

3. In the teachers' lounge, a group of Caucasian teachers huddle around the water cooler gossiping about why one of their fellow teachers, an Asian-American woman, was promoted to assistant principle over other teachers with more years of experience. "I know she has a master's degree, but I still think this is clearly an affirmative action thing-they just want to get more minorities in administration. They don't care about who is really qualified, and that's all there is to it." 

Select one of the examples above that you feel illustrates prejudiced attitudes. Answer the following:

1. What elements of this scenario make it an example of prejudice? 

2. Is there also discrimination present? 

3. Is there stereotyping in this example? 

4. Explain why the prejudice is occurring using the following terms: Social categorization, in-group, out-group, and in-group-bias.

5. Based on your readings, what type of intervention could help to reduce prejudice in a situation like this?

Please be sure you address each question, using terms and concepts from your text. A good initial discussion response should be at least 150-250 words in length. In order to earn full credit for participation, you must respond to two or more classmates in a substantive manner before the end of the module.

Assignment 2: Motivation


In psychology, Motivation refers to the forces that push and pull us toward specific goals and behaviors. Motivation is generally either internal (biological, cognitive) or external (environmental, situational). In psychology, the study of Motivation often focuses on biological behaviors, such as eating and sexual expression, or achievement behaviors, such as academics or career goals. Understanding how motivation works is key to guiding others and encouraging the highest level of performance.

Instructions - Choose one of the following options to explore:

  • Option A: Eating Behavior and Eating Disorders
  • Option B: Sexual Motivation and Sexual Orientation

Option A: Most psychologists focus on psycho-social aspects when explaining the origin of disordered eating behavior; however, there are also biological issues which may influence disordered behavior. Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of disordered eating behavior by completing the following items.

1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some biological or genetic factors that may predispose someone to disordered eating behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of disordered eating behavior. (These may include genes, brain functioning, metabolic, hormonal, etc.)

2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some psychological and social/cultural factors that may predispose someone to disordered eating behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from psychological or social research of disordered eating behavior. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.)

3. Based on your research, explain whether you view disordered eating as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based.

Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length (one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly sources, including your text. For help in citing sources, click on Academic Resources under Course Home.

Option B: Most psychologists believe that our sexual preferences and orientation are largely determined by our biology. Explore the biological and psycho-social aspects of sexual preference by completing the following items.

1. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some biological or genetic factors that influence sexual orientation behavior. Describe two or more conclusions from biological research of sexual orientation behavior. (These may include genes, brain functioning, metabolic, and hormonal, etc.)

2. Based on your assigned readings and videos this module, identify some psychological and social/cultural factors that may also influence sexual orientation. Describe two or more conclusions from psychological or social research of sexual orientation. (These may include personal issues, family issues, society, media, or cultural issues.)

3. Based on your research, explain whether you view sexual orientation as primarily biologically based or psycho-socially based.

Your response should be approximately three paragraphs in length (one paragraph for each item). Do not simply state your opinion on these issues; justify your response with evidence from scholarly sources, including your text. For help in citing sources, click on Academic Resources under Course Home.

Module 5 Overview

In this Module, Psychological Disorders and Personality Theories of Behavior, we will work together to understand the various personality theories of behavior as we gain a better understanding of the way personality is formed. We will also cover an introductory view to complex human behaviors in the form of psychological disorders.

Assignment 1: Exploring Personality Theories


In this assignment, you will define and apply various personality theories to your personal life experiences. The assignment consists of two parts. Be sure to complete both parts.


In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these factors are innate, and others seem to be shaped by environmental forces. Each theory takes a different approach to understanding personality. Familiarity with theories of personality will help you to understand and organize behaviors that you observe in others and yourself.


Part I: Apply each of the four personality theories to your personal life experience by answering the following questions.

  • The Five Factor Model of Personality: Explain where you fall on each of the five dimensions or traits in this theory. Discuss whether you feel you were "born with" this trait or if you feel this trait developed through experiences in your environment (such as family experiences or other learning experiences). Based on your experience, explain whether personality traits are primarily biological (innate) or environmental (learned) (Nature vs. Nurture).
  • Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory: Describe how social learning theory played an influence in your own personality development. Identify whose behavior you modeled and provide specific details to describe the ways in which their behavior influenced you.
  • Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Identify which stage of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs you are currently experiencing. Explain which level you hope to experience in the future.
  • Freudian Theory of Personality Structure: Regarding your own personality functioning, provide an example of how your own Id, Ego, and Superego might all work together to help you meet your needs and have a successful life. Many contemporary psychologists disagree with Freud, and do not believe that the unconscious mind plays an important role in every day behavior. Based on your readings in psychology, as well as your own experiences, do you believe that the unconscious mind is important in everyday life? Why or why not?

Your response should be a 3-4-page Microsoft Word document written in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Part II: Psychological Autobiography

In this course, you have applied several theories and concepts from psychology to your own life. In this part, you will re-write the Autobiography submitted in Module 1 using the material you explored throughout the course.

1. In your Psychological Autobiography, describe your life in a way that incorporates 12-15 terms and concepts you learned in this class. You do not need to analyze your struggles in this assignment, or disclose sensitive material. The purpose of the assignment is to simply apply the concepts we explored throughout the course to your own life history in an everyday manner.

2. In your Psychological Autobiography, you may use any terms, research, concepts, or theories covered in class, however, you must use terms and ideas from at least five of the following theorists or perspectives:

  • Piaget
  • Erikson
  • Kohlberg
  • Eysenck
  • Bandura
  • Maslow
  • Freud

There is room for creativity in this assignment! What is most important is that you show the instructor how much you have learned in this course by applying several theories, terms, or concepts to your life story. At a minimum, you should use information from your lectures and readings in this portion of the paper. This portion of the LASA assignment should be 2-3 pages in length. Here are some suggestions for developing your Psychological Autobiography:

  • Write your life history according to one or more of the developmental stage theories.
  • Apply key concepts to your early development.
  • Explain how the concepts apply to your current life situation.

Assignment 2: Discussion: Abnormal Behavior

Complete your participation for this assignment

Your textbook lists seven criteria that psychologists use when labeling someone's behavior as "disturbed" or "abnormal." 

Psychologists may use a combination of these criteria for determining that behavior is disturbed or abnormal. Of the seven criteria for abnormal behavior, which two do you think are most valid? Which two are the least valid?

In the discussion below, identify the two most valid criteria and the two least valid criteria. Provide an argument for your position, stating your rationale for your choices.

Please be sure you address each question, using terms and concepts from your text. A good initial discussion response should be at least 150-250 words in length. In order to earn full credit for participation, you must respond to two or more classmates in a substantive manner before the end of the module.

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