
Choose one or more poems from your course reading list and

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature:

Assignments  and Analysis Essays

If you are seeking college credit for this course, you must submit two essays and pass the proctored Ònal exam. You must submit your essays before registering for the Ònal. Below you will Ònd prompts and instructions for submitting your essay.

About the Assignment

Literature is an essential part of our culture and how we express ourselves. In this course, you learned how to understand and analyze di×erent types of literature, from poetry to novellas.

For this assignment, you will choose two of the three prompts below and write an 800-1200-word essay in response to each one. Include quotes and textual evidence from the works you've chosen cited in APA format.

Please cite any Study.com lessons you use as resources (including lesson title and instructor's name).

Your essay must be followed by an APA style References page with at least 2 sources. Do not include an abstract. Including a cover page is optional.

If you're unsure about how to use APA format to cite your sources, please see the following lessons:

What is APA Format? DeÒnition & Style

How To Format APA Citations

Assignment Prompts

1. In this course, you learned about a variety of literary characteristics including connotation, denotation, tone and mood. Choose one or more poems from your course reading list and explain how at least one of these characteristics is employed and how it contributes to the overall message of the poem. Use examples from the poems you've chosen to support your claims.

2. Your course reading list includes literary works across three categories: short Òction, poetry and dramatic works. Choose two works from within one of these categories (two poems, two plays, etc.) that have similar themes and compare and contrast how they're treated and explored. Do the authors use the themes to deliver similar or opposing messages? Use examples from the work you've chosen to support your claims.

3. Oftentimes it's assumed that the main character of a work of Òction is meant to represent the author, though authors frequently deny that this is the case. Which character that you've 'met' in this course best represents you?

How did the author of that work use literary techniques like inference, context and other literary techniques covered in this course to make this character so relatable?

Use examples from the work you've chosen to support your claims.

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Dissertation: Choose one or more poems from your course reading list and
Reference No:- TGS02443110

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