
Choose one or more areaa of your relationship you would

Purpose of project:

1. To describe and explain the communication in a relationship you have with another person

2. To create a plan to improve some aspect of the relationship, using specific concepts learned from the course.

Relationship Project Proposal

Read the entire project description below. In a 1-1.5 page (single-spaced, double-spaced between paragraphs) paper, please tell me:

1.Which relationship are you focusing on for this project.

2.Which aspect/s of the relationship would you like to see improve

3.Which communication skill/pattern will you be adopting/changing for this project

4.When will you start with the changes in your behavior, and how do you plan to put them into place. Be specific.

Implementation of project:

1.Choose an individual you see at least twice a week and with whom you have had a personal or professional relationship for at least three months.

2.Describe the nature of the relationship: what type of relationship is it? How did you meet? What is the history of the relationship?

3.Draw two Johari Windows that characterize your relationship (one for each of you.) Discuss the open, blind and hidden areas and discuss how the size of each area reflects your relationship.

4.Choose one or more areaa of your relationship you would like to improve which is discussed in the course materials (listening skills, conflict management, perception, nonverbal communication, improving communication climate, etc., for example.)

Design a plan to improve the communication in your relationship.

5.Implement your improvement plan for 4 to 6 weeks.

6.Write a paper describing your project and analyzing the results.
In your paper, include and discuss--

a. a description of the relationship (10 points)

b. Johari Windows for each of you that demonstrate your relationship with an explanation of each window (20 points)

c. an assessment of your listening patterns (give examples) and ways to improve your listening skills (give examples), (10 points)

d. the plan you used to improve your communication, including an explanation of the skill builder/invitation to insight(s) you used (10 points)

e. a complete perception checking statement that you used and the result, or an explanation of why you did not use it (10 points)

f. a discussion of the implementation of the plan using specific description and examples (10 points)

g. an analysis of the results of the implementation (20 points)

h. how better results might be obtained in future interactions (10 points)

Guidelines for paper:

1.The paper should be 4 to 6 double spaced, typed pages.

2.Papers should be submitted to the assignment folder by 11:30 pm on the due date.

3.Mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar and/or incomplete sentences will reduce the final grade of the paper.

4.Use proper APA citations when your reference the course material and all outside material (in-text citations and references page citations).

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Econometrics: Choose one or more areaa of your relationship you would
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