
Choose one of the themes in the list below do not try to

1-Choose two authors and one work for each author. You may not use authors or texts that are not assigned in the lessons.


*William Wordsworth

"Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey"

"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"

"The World Is too much with Us"

*George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron

"She Walks in Beauty"

"When We Two Parted"

"Youth and Age "

2-Then, choose one of the themes in the list below. Do not try to combine them. To be effective, the theme must apply to both of the texts you chose .

3-The themes for Essay #2 are:











Write at least 2 to 3 full pages of analysis. If you don't reach the bottom of page 2 (following the layout requirements), your paper is not developed enough and will lose credit.

Do not use secondary sources. Use your own ideas and the works you are analyzing, not something you found on the Internet or anywhere else except your own head. You may use links provided for historical background, etc.

Introduce all source material (quotations and paraphrases) adequately with a signal phrase.Use parenthetical citations for all source material. Keep in mind that different genres required different information in the parenthetical citations. Follow MLA requirements .

Important: The main focus of the paper must be an analysis of the literature that supports your thesis statement.

Documentation: MLA Parenthetical citations must be placed immediately after all quotations and paraphrases.

Don't Forget the work cited page!!

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Other Subject: Choose one of the themes in the list below do not try to
Reference No:- TGS02573199

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