
Choose one of the quotes mottos or sayings or provide one

After reading Chapter Fourteen, "Leadership and Change", take a look at the video "Change is Good...You Go First" using the link below. Choose one of the quotes, mottos or sayings OR provide one from elsewhere and share it with the class. As you do so, be sure to explain to us WHY you have chosen that particular phrase - what does it mean to you and how does it reflect what you are learning in this course? Give examples that reflect that saying in action and share any experiences you believe are meaningful. Feel free to comment on your peer's postings and be sure to reference the video and it's connection with what we are learning in this chapter to earn full points.

You are each required to start a thread and post at least four substantive comments to your peers to earn the 5/50 points possible. You are also required to read your peers' postings before you begin your thread - there can be no duplicates - each thread must have an original quote, motto or saying! This assignment calls for some creativity on your part, but so does leading change management! https://www.youtube.com/watch?

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Operation Management: Choose one of the quotes mottos or sayings or provide one
Reference No:- TGS01003953

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