
choose one of the provided case studies read the

Choose one of the provided case studies; read the case study and explain the legislative frameworks which may be relevant to this scenario. Include in your discussion reference to any ethical dilemmas; as well as explaining any potential advantages and disadvantage for the service users involved.  You will complete your discussion by outlining what initial steps would be taken in approaching the case, and explain what aspects would be prioritised and why.

  • Address specific requirements of assessment task.
  • Apply relevant legislation and guidance to the study
  • Draw your answer from legislation and guidance covering both Adults and Children
  • Be specific in your reference to legislation
  • Provide an interpretation of the legislation explaining why you consider it to be relevant
  • Demonstrate the ability to integrate issues of diversity, anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice and the needs of service users.
  • Meet an acceptable standard of presentation and referencing, including adequate organisation of the material, grammar, to the required Level 2 academic standards and correct word length.

Sinead Ward is referred to the Community Learning Disability Team by the Gypsy and Traveller Support Service, as they believe that she has a learning disability and is in need of community care services from the local authority. They report that Sinead is the mother of two young children, Mary aged two and Michael aged four, from a previous relationship; but she is also pregnant again with the man she is currently living with. This man, Martin Phillips, appears to be 'more able' than Sinead and the support service are concerned that this may be an abusive relationship as Sinead has reported that Martin does not want her seeing her parents and 'looks after' her money for her. It is Martin's flat in which they live.

On the same day a referral is made to the same local authority children's referral and assessment team concerning Sinead's eldest child, Michael. The referral comes from Michael's school where a teacher noticed some marks on Michael's legs. When asked what had caused the marks Michael said he had fallen over; but the teacher did not think the injuries were consistent with a fall, believing them to be welts from a belt or something similar. The school also express concerns about the mother Sinead Ward; as they do not think, as a result of her impaired cognitive ability, she should be bringing up her children.

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Other Subject: choose one of the provided case studies read the
Reference No:- TGS0208930

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