
Choose one of the less central characters from fences and


Remember that your essay needs an original and appropriate title, a clear thesis statement, and that it must also support or illustrate its claims with quotations or paraphrases from the texts-and that for both you must provide either page number or, in the case of Shakespeare, act, scene, and line numbers. MLA format.

Essay- Fences by August Wilson.

(This looks like, say, V.iv.145 --meaning act five, scene four, line 145. This information would appear in the parenthesis after the quote or paraphrase where you would normally have put the page number.)


Every character in a successful drama contributes something to the overall meaning of the work. Choose one of the less central characters from Fences (anyone besides Troy and Rose) and discuss what that character contributes to the drama and its overall meaning. Another way of looking at this would be to consider what would be lost in terms of the play's theme and other characterizations if the character was eliminated.

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Other Subject: Choose one of the less central characters from fences and
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