Assignment Overview
We have learned several Android/Java tools for Mobile App Development such as Android View Objects (Buttons, EditText, SeekBar, TextView, ImageView), XML Layouts and Attributes, Android Sensors (Accelerometer, GPS), Handler / Runnable Sequence and Custom View classes for Animation Canvas Operations.
Students need to develop an Android Application. You may choose from the following two options:
1. Choose one of the available Applications from the Text Book. In order to make the application run, you are required to go through the code and "fix" any errors the application might have.
So please code carefully and be ready to 'debug' and fix errors as they occur. Once the application is running with no errors you then required to add five to six features of your choice as described in the rubric.
2. The second option is to create a Note Pad app as guided below:
App Requirements
1. Your app will be a simple note pad that allows users to enter text notes.
2. The last updated date/time to be displayed on the app.
3. When the user presses the back arrow, home button, etc. The text and the time will automatically be saved.
4. The text and the time must be saved to the device's internal file system. You have the choice to use either XML or Externalization of resources ranging from simple values such as strings and colors to more complex resources like images,animations, and themes.
5. Note text (and the saved time) should be automatically loaded when the app goes into the Resume state.
6. In case of the entered text is longer than the displayed area then a scroll bar will be displayed
7. Landscape and portrait orientations must be used for the presented contents as shown below.
8. The below is an example of how the app should look. Note, you do NOT need to make yours look exactly like this, but the content here is limited to try to keep variation minimal.

Submission Requirements:
• Submissions must consist of your zipped project folder. Submissions not following these requirements will be penalized.
• Complete code for your project. You can use any publicly available libraries / code / artwork / materials as long as you correctly acknowledge all sources.
Please remember that when you include new features from the Android API or examples of code from other sources or projects - you must cite these examples in comments (author, website or book where you got the ideas
• Documentation of your programming effort and your design process. This should be a separate document, giving an overview of the different steps you went through and presenting all documentation materials you produced on the way.
• Submissions should reflect the concepts and practices we cover in class. You are reminded to read the "Plagiarism" section of the course description.
Your research should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your
own words.
All reports must use the Harvard referencing style. Marking rubrics are attached.