
Choose one example of adaptive immunity to focus on if aids

Discussion Question - In this module we have learned about the adaptive immune response. This systems used a special class of white blood cells known as lymphocytes to attack specific target antigens that the body has seen in the past. This involves B-cells, T-helper cells and T-killer cells. It is these pathways that are disrupted in AIDS.

For this discussion, choose one example of adaptive immunity to focus on. Choose one aspect that was particularly interesting to you. Do some research to find out a little more about it. Here is a list of examples, but you can think of other ones as well:

a. vaccines    

b. the primary immune response

c. the secondary immune response

d. self-tolerance

e. If AIDS kills only the T-Helper cells, why are both the humoral and cell-mediated responses knocked out?

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Science: Choose one example of adaptive immunity to focus on if aids
Reference No:- TGS02802124

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