
choose one drupal site and one joomla site an

Choose one Drupal site and one Joomla site (an alternative CMS package) from the lists below and evaluate them according to how well you think they manage and present their content.

We are looking for examples of both ggod and bad practice, so make sure that you comment on how the sites could be improved.

Make sure that you also comment of the following:

  • Content organisation, including navigation - Among the things you should consider are: what types of content (physical and logical) are included on the site, how it is arranged, and whether the user would be able to find it easily. You may find other issues to comment on.
  • Overall design and Usability - Use the references on Usability provided for Assignment 1.
  • The extent to which you think the website reflects the objectives of the organisation

Note that you are not expected to log in to any registered areas of these sites, but to evaluate them on what is publicly available.

Content of final essay.

Do not include a Table of Contents. The essay is too short to warrant it.

1 .Abstract: 50 words summarizing the content of your report.

In order to find how to write an abstract, read J. Rowley 1988, Abstracting and indexing, London Library Association, pp 10-17, and follow the guidelines.


Summarise the overall aims and purpose of your report. Describe what your report discovers.

3.Discussion of the 2 sites, and their strengths and weaknesses in terms of the criteria given above.


What are the main findings of the report?

No Bibliography is required for this assignment, however, if you do use someone else's work, for example a list of usability criteria, you must reference it appropriately using the FIT Style Guide.

Guide to evaluative criteria used for marking

1. are all of the assignment specifications addressed by the student?

2. are the key concepts understood?

3. are the aims in the essay set out clearly?

4. are the aims fulfilled, i.e., followed through?

5. are all the relevant sources of knowledge used and understood?

6. is any of the work original, special or original to the student, i.e., is it any more than just fulfilling the basic requirements?

7. is the essay structured in a logical, understandable way?

8. have up-to-date sources of information been used, and acknowledged fully and correctly according to the FIT Style Guide?

9. is the communication succinct, relevant, and useful? Is the length, space well used? Is it comprehensive, covering all the important aspects than can be fitted in?

10. are the findings realistic, and sustainable intellectually?

11. is it all the student's own work?

12. does the student make a genuine effort to engage the audience for the marker of the essay?

13. is the content balanced, professional, unbiased, substantiated with reliable, accurate evidence?

14. is the form of essay timely and appropriate to the context of the essay presentation?

5. is the student aware of the limitations of the essay, and topic?

16. is the marker guided through the essay by the student, i.e., is the structure of the essay clear?

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English: choose one drupal site and one joomla site an
Reference No:- TGS0206700

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