Choose one book from the list below write a book report. talk about the author in the first paragraph, building citations into the body of the report. In the second and third paragraphs write a summary of the book's content.On the third page write a brief summary of what professional critics have said about the book, building citations into the body of the report in parentheses. After reported on what the professional critics have to say, you can follow that with why you agree or disagree with the critics. The critics must be professional critics from a reputable source.
1) THE SHALLOWS by Nicholas Carr
2) THE WORLD IS FLAT 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century byThomas Friedman
4) MERCHANTS OF DOUBT by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
5) THE FILTER BUBBLE by Eli Pariser
6) THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS by James Fenimore Cooper
7) ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defoe
8) BEYOND NEWS by Mitchell Stephens
9) NEW NEW MEDIA (2nd edition) by Paul Levinson