
Choose five of the following ten concepts covered in the


This task has been designed to test your understandings of the key readings and concepts. You are not required to do any further research. Indeed you must draw from the course readings in order to pass this task. Please try to use your own words where possible. Where you use direct quotes from the course materials, or paraphrase ideas in your answers please provide references (author, date and most importantly, page number!) You mustanswer both part one and part two.


Choose FIVE of the following TEN concepts covered in the readings in this course. Write 200-300 words on each of the five concepts you select. In each answer try provide at least one example (from any of the readings) to illustrate your understanding of the concept. Make sure to connect the concept to a particular author, or an author's argument.

1. Transnational food taboos- Lien dogs, whales and kangaroos File

2.the ‘contested ethics of care' in foie gras production- Meneley Heath Fois gras File

3.‘Post-pasteurian politics'- Paxon Post pasteurian politics File

4.‘punk cuisine'- punk Cuisine clark File

5.The politics of Palestinian olive oil- Meneley, A 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' File


Pick three of your favorite readings we have covered this semester. Drawing on these three readings tell me what you have learned about the relationship of food and eating to contemporary social life. Your answer will be graded on the clarity of comprehension of the required readings,

1. Transnational food taboos- Lien dogs, whales and kangaroos File

2.‘Post-pasteurian politics'- Paxon Post pasteurian politics File

3.The politics of Palestinian olive oil- Meneley, A 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' File.


1.Blood, Sweat and Tears in a Bottle of Palestinian Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Anne Meneley Trent University.

2. The Naturecultures of Foie Gras Anne Meneley TECHNIQUES OF THE BODY AND A CONTESTED ETHICS OF CARE.

3. POST-PASTEURIAN CULTURES: The Microbiopolitics of Raw-Milk Cheese in the United States.

4. Food and culture a reader third edition edited by "carole counihan and penny van esterik".

5. Dogs, Whales and Kangararoos: Transnational Activism and Food Taboos by Marianne Elisabeth Lien.

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Dissertation: Choose five of the following ten concepts covered in the
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