
Choose at least one news article from a reputable media

News Media: How to Spot Fake News

Read and watch the following:

1) How to Spot Fake News By Eugene Kiely and Lori Robertson.

2) Study: Most Students Cannot Distinguish Fake and Real News(youtube)

i. If you had to help someone spot "fake news," what would you tell them?

ii. Choose at least one news article (from a reputable media outlet), and compare it to an online story that you know is fake. Using the checklist provided on the factcheck web site, compare the two (describe differences and similarities).

iii. Although fake news is not new, does it seem harder to distinguish fact from fiction?

iv. Why?

v. How will this acceptance of fake news impact our democracy?

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Dissertation: Choose at least one news article from a reputable media
Reference No:- TGS02771869

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