
Choose any of these works the things they carried you need


Select any of the pieces we read from the list below and analyze it, or compare and/or contrast it with another work, in terms of the themes we've been exploring. Be sure to use passages from the works to illustrate your points.

Choose any of these works: • The Things They Carried • Oedipus the King • Trifles

You can compare, contrast or analyze any one of these stories with another story we've read, or with any other story you've read, or with a movie or any other element of pop culture-I WELCOME your ideas!

You will cite from the texts or other media you use.

The purpose of the assignment is to show that you know how to make connections between various works of literature and you know how to analyze a work of literature.

Length/Format Requirements:

The paper should be a minimum of 700 words, double-spaced in MLA-style formatting, and must include a Works Cited page citing the works you have quoted or paraphrased.

Use a 12- point font in Times New Roman or Arial. Margins should be 1" on all sides. Do not use a title page, but use a proper MLA heading and a strong, provocative title for your paper.

Quoting and Documenting Requirements:

You need to use quoted material from each story to illustrate your analysis or comparison and contrasts. These quotes must be properly documented within the text and on a Works Cited page using correct current MLA documentation style. If you are not sure how to use MLA style, please consult the EasyWriter or Research Matters handbooks, which are available in the library.

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Other Subject: Choose any of these works the things they carried you need
Reference No:- TGS02522304

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