
Choose any existing company of you choice operating in

Choose any existing company of you choice operating in singapore . The company can be from any industry.Imagine that you have been appointed as the Human Resource HR manager of ur chosen company. Your boss has asked you to prepare a report recommending job analysis and job design ,recruitment and selection strategies that can be adopted by the company to fulfil its staffing needs in view of overall PM strategies. (Note: word count excludes the assignment cover sheet, table of contents, reference list and any appendices.


1. Introduction of the chosen company , nature of its business and its general plans in singapore.( rec word lgth 100)

2. Job analysis that includes(Job description and job specification) of a chosen department or a position in the company.( rec word lgth 400)

3 Job design of the chosen deprtment or a position in the company based on design for efficiency, motivation, safety & health(ergonomis) and mental capacity.( rec word lgth 400)

4. Recruitment strategies and its implementation for the chosen department or a position in the company.( rec word lgth 500)

5. Selection strategies and its implementation for the chosen department or a position in the comapany.( rec word lgth 5000

6. Conclusion including how the company can benefit and add value based on the analyses and strategies presented.( rec word lgth 100)

2000 words Format APAreferences:Minumum of 10 different sources of information

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HR Management: Choose any existing company of you choice operating in
Reference No:- TGS02186121

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