
Choose and describe the sampling strategy that will be used

Unit 7 Discussion 1 - Research Methodology Peer Review

Note: You are required to complete this discussion before submitting the unit assignment.

For this discussion, complete the following:

a. Choose and describe the sampling strategy that will be used in your proposed qualitative study.

b. Provide a rationale for your sampling strategy.

c. Identify and justify the sample size that you will use.

d. Discuss the data collection procedures that will be used in your proposed study.

e. Develop 10 open-ended questions to be used in a qualitative interview for your proposed study.

f. Once you have received feedback from other peer-learners, revise the discussion based on the feedback and make sure to include and reference your peers feedback.


Use your Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods text to complete the following:

Read Chapter 5, "Designing Qualitative Studies," pages 244-326.

Read Chapter 6, "Fieldwork Strategies and Observation Methods," pages 327-338.

Read Chapter 7, "Qualitative Interviewing," pages 339-422.

Use your Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design text to complete the following:

Review Chapter 7, "Data Collection," pages 147-180. Focus on data collection techniques.

Review Chapter 6, "Introducing and Focusing the Study," pages 127-146. Focus on the subsection "Subquestions."

Use the article to review Percy, Kostere, and Kostere's 2015 article, "Generic Qualitative Research in Psychology," from The Qualitative Report , volume 20, issue 2, pages 76-85.

Read the document Data Collection.


Read Qualitative Research Proposal

Unit 7 - Research Design and Methodology Details Introduction

The purpose of the study should address the following:

1. Is this study new or different from other studies in some way?

2. Does the study extend prior research on the topic in some way?

3. Does the study fill a gap in the existing literature?

The methodology describes the overall blueprint of the study (research design) and how the research participants will be recruited (sampling). Data collection procedures vary depending on the methodology and the phenomenon under inquiry.

Method and Types of Data

Following are the types of data for each method:


Primary: Participant observation, field notes, and unstructured or structured interviews (sometimes audiotaped or videotaped).

Secondary: Documents, records, photographs, videotapes, maps, genograms, sociograms, and focus groups.

Case study.

Primary: Interviews (usually audio-taped), participant and nonparticipant observations, documents and records, detailed description of context and setting, and chronological data.

Secondary: Audiovisual data.


Primary: Audio-taped in-depth conversations and open-ended interviews and phenomenological literature.

Secondary: Poetry, biographies, literature, art, and film.

Grounded theory.

Primary: Interviews (usually audio-taped), participant and nonparticipant observations, conversations recorded in diaries, and field notes.

Secondary: Comparative instances and personal experience.

Generic qualitative inquiry.

Primary: Open-ended interview (audio-taped), field notes, and journals.

Secondary: Documents and open-ended questionnaire.


Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Identify the steps of data analysis within qualitative research traditions.

2. Describe the methods for collecting data for a qualitative study that is consistent with the research question and research methodology and model.

3. Evaluate alternative data analysis techniques appropriate within qualitative research.

4. Explore the use of technology and software applications for qualitative data analysis.

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Operation Management: Choose and describe the sampling strategy that will be used
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