Choose an organization that has enough data available to

Part 1


  • Choose an organization that has enough data available to complet assignments 2-5.
    • Explain why you selected this company (1-2 paragraphs)
    • Show that data is available by including at least 2significanturls or other sources for each assignments 2 and 3:
  • Group Project Milestone 2 - Business Model, Strategy, Organizational Structure
  • Group Project Milestone 3 - Organizational Culture and Corporate Social Responsibility

Check out Fortune 500 companies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to get you started.

NOTE: You CANNOT choose any of the following: Amazon, Apple, Cisco, Google, Facebook, GE, IKEA, Verizon, Walmart, or any other company discussed in-depth in case studies or readings.

Part 2

Case Study Questions

1. Why did utilizing global teams give Sun a competitive advantage? Describe three reasons.

2. What was the "Rule of 11"?

3. What was the "Open Work" program?

4. What was the problem that Greg James faced? What caused this problem?

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Business Management: Choose an organization that has enough data available to
Reference No:- TGS02363748

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