
Choose an interesting and catchy title for your

Final report - Checklist

Title page                                                               

Ø  Choose an interesting and catchy title for your report.

Ø  The name of your industry partner should be part of the title or subtitle.

Ø  Indicate the nature of problem you investigated.

Ø  If you do not wish to disclose the name of your industry partner, you can just write 'company X'.

Executive summary

Ø  Keep it short and simple (ideally not more than 2 pages - well formatted)

Ø  Summarise the background of the research

Ø  Summarise the research approach

Ø  Summarise the findings (dot points is fine, but write full sentences)

Ø  Summarise the implications/recommendations (dot points is fine, but write full sentences)

Table of contents

Introduction and research problem (around 5-10% of your total word count)

Ø  Introduction to topic

Ø  Overview of the industry partner

Ø  What real problem does your research seek to resolve?

Ø  Why is this problem such a big issue for your industry partner? Why is it important that you research it? Convince us that your project is important and that it will help your industry partner

Ø  State the overall research aim based on this problem

Ø  Outline the structure of the report (for the audience/reader)

Theoretical background- Literature review(around 25-30% of your total word count)

Ø  Clearly identify the factors investigated in the project

Ø  Discuss what others have found in this research space and individual factors

Ø  Link your literature review back to your problem space and use this as a foundation to formulate your research questions.

Methodology (around 5-10% of your total word count)

Ø  Only provide an overview of YOUR research design

Ø  Inform and justify the nature of your research approach (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods)

Ø  Describe and justify your sample (who, how did you find them, sampling method and technique used)

Ø  Describe how data was collected (in-person/online/..) and which research tools (e.g. interviews, surveys, etc.) were used

Ø  Inform how data was analysed (e.g. themes analysis, frequency distribution, mean-score, etc.)

Ø  Explain how the research plan addressed all ethical concerns

Findings (around 10-15% of your total word count)

Ø  Present sample characteristics (e.g. age, gender, income...)

Ø  Clearly differentiate between quantitative and qualitative findings

Ø  Use figures, graphs, tables to visualise findings.Add numbers and titles for all visuals. Be creative in presenting the findings!

Discussion (around 20-25% of your total word count)

Ø  If you are using a mixed method, triangulate quantitative and qualitative findings

Ø  Compare findings with the literature reviewed earlier

Ø  Clearly state the answers to research questions you found from the findings presented above

Recommendations (around 10-15% of your total word count)

Ø  Clearly list and discuss the recommendations specific to the research problem

Ø  Make sure all recommendations are based on findings of your research project

Ø  Can also include any suggestions you have for the industry partner in regards to implementing your recommendations

Limitations and Conclusion (around 5-10% of your total word count)

Ø  Inform the readers and management of any limitations that they should be aware of if they are to implement your recommendations

Ø  Provide a brief summary of the project including major findings, recommendations and potential outcomes if recommendations are implemented by the management

Footnotes (as required - avoid if at all possible)

List of References

Appendix (as required)

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Business Management: Choose an interesting and catchy title for your
Reference No:- TGS02857639

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