Choose an area of psychology that you find particularly

Choose an area of psychology that you find particularly interesting. You then conduct research to learn more about your topic area. Finally, you summarize what you learned from the research by writing a report that describes the topic and its relation to the field as a whole.In a field this broad, it leaves many options. Here are some examples: Therapy for Depression, Mid-life Crisis, Effects of violent TV on Children, Creativity, Schizophrenia, Suicidal Behaviors, Death and Dying, Child Abuse, Effects of Noise on Hearing, Attachment in Infants, Drug Use Motivation, Test Anxiety, Development of Self-esteem, Acquisition of Morality, Music Therapy, Psychological Aspects of Pain, Violence and Aggression, Sex-role typing, Stages of Sleep, Behavior Problems of Children, Bipolar Disorder, Stress Management, Meditation, Dance or Music Therapy.

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Dissertation: Choose an area of psychology that you find particularly
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