
Choose an appropriate method of arranging ideas use an

Some Research Paper Topics


Academy Awards Foreign Languages Krishna
Aids Gender issues [feminism] Mohammed
Architecture Geography Bible
Associations and societies Governors Finance
Astronomy Grammy Awards World Population
Aviation Health and Nutrition US Presidents
Awards US History/World History Pulitzer Prize 
Animals Holidays [Religious Observances] Race and Ethnicity
Books US House of Represent Science
Business and Economy Hurricanes Space Exploration
Cabinet [U.S.] International Relations US Senate
Chemical Elements Internet Social Security
Cities Technology Sports [baseball, football...]
Colleges/Universities Inventions and Discoveries Structures [buildings, bridges]
Congress Law Enforcement Supreme Court
Constitution Maps Terrorism
Consumer Rights Famous Mayors Transportation
Countries Metric System War in a certain region
Crime [organized, disorganized] Military United Nations
Current Events Mountains World Court
Disasters Music [artists, bands] War Criminals
Declaration of Independence Movies [film, television] Volcanoes/Hurricanes/Tornados
Drugs in Society Radio [history of] Global Warming
Earthquakes National Parks Travel Safety
Education Mythology [Greek, Norse, other] NAACP
Elections [& Democracy] National Parks [Yellowstone] DEA
Embassies Newspapers [NY Times] FBI
Emmy Awards Nobel Prizes CIA
Endangered Species Olympics KGB
Entertainment Biography... IRA
Environment Kings South America
Nature Presidents NATO
IAEA Military Leaders AFL/CIO
Explorers Popes US Economy
First Aid [Red Cross] Christ Wall Street
Flags Buddha Protestantism

*Suggestion: select three from the preceding as tentative subjects for research. Consider the major divisions of a paper in relation to your topic and write a "scratch" outline for each. See what it looks like.

For example:

1. Business
1. Trading online
2. Advertising
3. Wall Street
2. Entertainment
1. Online gambling
2. Napster
3. Personal websites

1. Online Newsgroups [CBS/ABC/CNN/NBC]
2. Online Magazines
3. Online Newspapers
Research Paper Writing Steps


Preliminary reading:

Encyclopedia-broad survey of subject [may be used as minor sources]

Reference works---any suggestions? Consider the area and make adjustments remember periodical, magazine, and newspaper indexes
scanning material [easy reading]-----


Notes on encyclopedia article
What to look for...only facts that are unknown previously to you---weed out unnecessary
Highlighting [only significant]
Outline will focus notes [each area of outline requires specific notes---keep separate]
One book/one page; one magazine article/one page; one periodical/one page; one newspaper/one page
One internet/one page
Note card or page requires: "fact or idea/source of information"
Separate fact from opinion

Subject and Scratch Outline:
SUBJECT and a SCRATCH OUTLINE [early, uninformed, tentative]---examine and copy "scratch" outlines----how extensive?
Did it inform the reading?
Did the reading inform the scratch outline?
How many wrote a scratch outline without doing any preliminary reading?


Scratch outline to rough outline----differences [extensiveness, logical relationships, patterns]

Thesis and supporting points: writing the introduction

Thesis or "supporting point"
What is the significance of the introduction? What will it contain? Why important? How long? "formal outline" and thesis statement: what would intro look like? Will discuss three main points with sound and clear and useful method of introduction.

By today all should have subjects and some form of scratch outline.

This weekend is where you finish essential preliminary reading and begin to form a "rough" outline from a "scratch" outline.


Steps: 1-method of introduction [longer than normal---a general overview and discussion of the topic]
2-basic thesis statement or "purpose" expressed [what do you want to say about the subject?]
3-supporting points [major divisions] expressed clearly! And with some specificity.

Introduction is the most important "area" of the paper [no matter how many paragraphs]---it is the "set-up," the "frame of reference" and the thing on which the entire paper will turn. It contains your main idea [subject] your understanding or opinion of the subject [thesis or purpose], and your introduction to the major divisions of the essay

Research Paper Writing Tips


No writing takes place in a vacuum. The rhetorical situation-purpose, audience, and occasion-determines your tone and shapes your writing. Whenever you write, you engage in a process of developing an appropriate topic for a certain audience. You will explore and gather information and focus the subject, form a thesis, and develop an appropriate plan of organization. You will also, for this class, revise two drafts before preparing a final version.

Know your audience: is the subject specialized in nature? Will the audience be? Do you expect your audience to have some foreknowledge of your subject? If not, consider a lengthier introduction.

Understand the occasion. This is an academic paper. Remain objective. Be clear, forceful, direct.

Set the appropriate tone:

Tone is a reflection of your attitude toward your subject and must be appropriate to your purpose, audience, and occasion, whether for a personal essay or lab report. Although humor might well be suitable in a letter to a friend telling him/her of trouble with your new car, it would be inappropriate in a letter of complaint to a manufacturer. Set the tone to match the seriousness of the essay topic.

Explore a subject:

When you have a subject in mind you will need to explore all the possible ways to develop it. You will also need to follow certain leads and eliminate others as you direct and focus your ideas.

Writers use many different methods to explore a subject. If you are having a hard time getting started, try "free writing"---writing non stop for a brief period of time about any aspect of your subject that occurs to you-and then examine your writing for productive approaches. Some other useful methods are "listing," "questioning," and "applying different perspectives." Use whatever methods seem productive for you.

Different methods may work best for different subjects; if you run out of ideas using one method, switch to another. Sometimes, especially for an assigned subject remote from your own interests and knowledge, you may need to try several methods.

Limit and focus your subject:

Exploring the subject will suggest not only productive strategies for development but also a direction and focus for your writing. Some ideas will seem worth pursuing; others will seem inappropriate for your purpose, audience or occasion. You will find yourself discarding ideas even as you develop new ones.

Establish a thesis [or purpose]

If you have limited and focused your subject, you have worked a long way toward developing an idea that controls the content you include and the approach you take. Your controlling idea, or thesis, insures that decisions you have made about purpose, audience, occasion, and tone fit together.

The thesis statement will also help unify your paper. It will also guide many decisions about what larger details [points of support] and specific details [concrete details, examples] to keep and what to discard. It is your "frame of reference," and it will be the point around which your paper will turn.

Choose an appropriate method of ARRANGING IDEAS. Use an informal working plan [a collection of lists, notes about your subject, most of which will come out of your preliminary reading. Next form a ROUGH OUTLINE. This will lead to a rearrangement of the material and a later FORMAL OUTLINE.

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