
Choose a topicissue choose a topic question be as objective

FORMAT: MLA Format, Double spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman Font, 12pt font size, stapled, print on one side of page only

Choose a Topic/Issue: Choose a topic question. Be as objective as possible when presenting both sides of the issue.

Purpose: The purpose is to establish yourself as someone to be taken seriously as an authority on this topic.

ESSAY REQUIREMENTS: Develop a 7-9 page Persuasive Essay Project. (7-9 pages of content + Works Cited)

~ SOURCES: FOUR (4) - RESEARCH SOURCES [NOTE: Wikipedia and Brainy quotes or any other source that is just a list of quotes do not count as official research sources.]

~ QUOTES: FOUR (4) or MORE QUOTES SHOULD BE INCLUDED (Note: quotes should blend in smoothly and be explained in detail.)

~ The WORKS CITED PAGE is a required part of the essay project.

PLAN YOUR STRUCTURE (ORGANIZATION) ~ Your essay will need to contain the following elements:

~ Attention getter: Capture the attention of the reader. Examples include: a story, quotation, question, paint the picture, etc.

~ Background information: Introduce your topic and give a little background information.

~ Statement of Direction: Clearly state both sides of the issue. Explain that you will present as balanced a view as possible of both sides before coming to a conclusion.

Body: You will present both sides of the argument as objectively as possible. Include several arguments for both sides. Include evidence and explanation on both sides.

~ The Reasons/Arguments should be supported with reliable information/evidence from your research. (Use Logos, Pathos, and Ethos types of evidence and persuasive strategies.)

Discussion: In the discussion evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of both sides based on the arguments you present earlier in the essay project.

Conclusion: Once you have fully discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each argument, state which side is stronger and explain why. (i.e Which side is most reasonable and why? Or would you remain neutral?) Restate the issue and summarize the main arguments examined in the body paragraphs.

Closing: Close with a powerful statement that will stay in the reader's mind.

Research Source Examples: Scholarly research articles, News websites (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) for articles and information about your topic
~ Magazine articles, newspaper articles (New York Times, Los Angeles Times, etc.) that support and counter argue your position. Government websites (.gov), education websites (.edu), call to action websites (i.e. MADD) are useful resources.

~ Look for facts, statistics, professional comments, emotional testimonies, historical information, etc.
Additional Information:

~ Use quotes from your sources to support the arguments you include for both sides. Cite each one in the proper MLA format.

~ Explain the quote in your own words. Explain how the information supports the argument (reason).

It is not possible to persuade someone to believe your viewpoint without supporting your point of view with evidence taken from credible sources and using expert opinions. A Persuasive Essay is not complete without Facts, Reasons, Examples and Details. Personal testimonies/emotional appeals are also useful for support.


You cannot choose any topic question related to the Death Penalty for your Essay Project because I will be using the Death Penalty as the example in class.

1. Should state colleges be free to attend?
2. Should people become vegetarians?
3. Should college athletes be paid for playing?
4. Should students be required to take foreign language classes?
5. Should the driving age be raised to twenty-one?
6. Should girls be allowed to play on boys sports teams? (For example: football)
7. Should boys and girls attend separate classes in school?
8. Should people who download music and movies illegally be punished?
9. Why should everyone recycle? Should there be laws/fines citing people who fail to recycle?
10. Should larger passengers have to pay for two seats on an airplane or two movie theater tickets?
11. Should students who commit cyber-bullying or any kind of bullying be suspended from school and/or put in jail?
12. Should abortions be legal? Should abortions be legal in cases of rape and incest?
13. Should people with terminal illnesses have the right to doctor assisted suicides?
14. Should all athletes (middle school, high school, and college) take mandatory drug tests?
15. Should scientists be allowed to test products intended for human use on animals?
16. Should students be allowed to drop out before they turn 18 years old and enter a trade school?
17. Should students as young a fourteen be allowed to work?
18. Should American families have a two child max rule to limit population growth?
19. Should the government mandate tying the tubes of women who are drug addicts, alcoholics, abusive, smokers, etc.? (i.e. Should the women not be allowed to have children?)
20. Should men be allowed to participate in the Miss America Pageant?
21. Should the arts (creative writing, dance, music/band, art, etc.) be taken out of schools? (Are the creative arts beneficial for students?)
22. Should the American education system be changed to include a more European style of education and include classes on Saturday? (For example, children as young as 5 and 6 years old begin to memorize/analyze poetry from major poets, knowledge of world history is mandatory, knowledge of two foreign languages is mandatory, there are no GE requirements in college, etc.)

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Other Subject: Choose a topicissue choose a topic question be as objective
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