Choose a topic you are interested in learning more about (must be related to Org. Comm.) Obviously, the topic needs to incorporate ideas/concepts/theories from the class (Organizational Communication) and text. But also requires analyzing the influences of communication on the topic you choose.
Examples of Topics to choose from are:
Communication practices in the Montessori school system
Workplace violence
White-collar crime
Effects of slang in the workplace (pros and cons)
Environmental ethics
Sexual harassment
Family and childcare & work
Social class and occupational jobs
Labor movements
Social responsibility in marketing, consumption, and production
Social conformity in an online class
Emotional labor
Emotional intelligence
Historical view of theories of organizational communication
Some suggested subject searches for related articles:
Organizational Studies
Organizational Change Processes
Communication Networks
Organizational Communication Approaches- Classical, Human Relations, Human Resources, Systems, Cultural, Critical, Emotional Labor
Organizational Communication
Organizational Design
Organizational Narratives, Discourse, Dialogues
Journal of Communication
Make a proposal that will consist of the following:
Header: Name, course, instructor, date
Title: Topic you are researching
Content: What you want to research and why you think it is important
Methodology: How you are going to conduct the research
Comment: Comment on what you expect to find
Length: 1-2 pages not including title page