
Choose a specific diagnosis from the dsm-5 and write up a

Choose a specific diagnosis from the DSM-5 and write up a case study.

The case study you complete will include a similar format to what was used in the Oltmann et al. text (i.e., PDF case study documents), but I will provide an outline for you as well (see below). This paper is designed to allow you to have some license for creativity while infusing critical thinking and information garnered directly from the course. You may use more than one diagnosis, but don't get too carried away or your case study will be become too complicated. Trust me.

1. Presenting problem

  • Presenting concerns (level of distress, specific symptoms, etc.)
  • Diagnosis: Include differential diagnosis implications. Why this diagnosis over that diagnosis?
  • Background of problem (how long they have experienced such problems)
  • Developmental, family, social, work history (You don't have to use these per se, but provide a detailed history of the individual, in the context of their current problems.)

2. Case conceptualization/etiological considerations/theoretical conceptualization and perspectives

  • Use at least two different theories in your conceptualization of the client's problems (e.g., psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive behavioral, behavioral, etc.). This is where you should explain WHY your client has these problems. You may use more than two, but only one or two should be used when discussing your actual treatment approach.
  • Cite relevant research to support your case conceptualization and chosen treatment approach! Is this an empirically supported treatment?

3. Course of treatment
Choose an intervention (or more than one if you like-but not more than two) and discuss the course of the treatment being used (e.g., what worked, what did not, what is still a work in progress).

4. Other (influence of culture, race, religion, age, gender, other factors)

5. Include relevant and specific references (use APA format-see below for more detail).

While you may cite from the course text and the DSM-5, they are not intended to be the principal research tools for you to use. I expect you to utilize additional scholarly resources (e.g., book chapters, peer referenced journal articles, etc.). I do not want you to use general online resources, such as Wikipedia and the like. The case study should be written in APA format. If you don't know what this is, look it up!

Have fun with this exam/paper/project! It is intended to synthesize the information that we have covered and allow you to examine a particular disorder of interest in more breadth and depth.

The paper should be a minimum of 8 pages of text and a maximum of 12 pages of text, not including references, tables, and so on. Times New Roman, 12 point should be used.

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Dissertation: Choose a specific diagnosis from the dsm-5 and write up a
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