
Choose a social problem defined as a social condition that

You can design the presentation in any way you like using Powerpoint, but you must not use a font size less than 12. For your project you will do the following:

Choose a social problem (defined as a social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society and is in need of remedy). You must choose a different social problem from any of those specifically covered in our course modules. Clearly present what social problem you are studying.

To present the social problem, you will use five (5) credible academic, research based sources. Your textbook may be one of your sources.

You must include a bibliography at the end of your presentation

If you have any questions about if a source is acceptable, be sure to ask me BEFORE using it. Using improper sources will result in points being lost.

Present 10 current, supported facts on that social problem. This is where you are showing the harm done to society (what the harm is and who is doing it).

Clearly state each fact separately using complete sentences.

Statistics and facts should be properly cited in MLA, ASA, or APA format.

You MUST provide a citation for each and every fact you list. Do NOT copy and paste from a source but rather try to summarize as best you can in addition to providing the source of your information.

The sources for these facts must be research based.

Describe what is currently being done to address the problem

Who is doing it? What are they doing? How effective has it been so far?

This section indicates who thinks the situation is a problem. Think broadly-consider all levels-internationally, nationally, state level, local level)

This information can come from organization that are drawing from the research you report in the previous section of the assignment.

Consider the theoretical perspectives being represented by what is being done-how do they view the problem? DON'T SKIP THIS STEP-think about the various sociological perspectives and evaluate.

Discuss what else needs to be done.

This section must be informed by research. To the extent that the subjective side of social problems are a matter of opinion, you must present an informed or educated opinion. All claims must be backed up with evidence.

Discuss what effect your "fix" might have on other social problems or groups of society.

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Dissertation: Choose a social problem defined as a social condition that
Reference No:- TGS02529731

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