
Choose a social network that you use say facebook twitter

Assignment: Graph Databases

1. Choose a social network that you use. Say, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or anything else.

2. Design a model to store and manage relationship data from these social networks in a graph database.

3. Install neo4j and implement your model.

4. Create some realistic "toy" data and store it in your database. You must design your toy data such that there are at least 10 nodes. The network should be realistic. For example, there must be at least some nodes that have 4-5 friends and some that maybe are new or loners and have 1-2 friends. Etc.

5. Run the following queries;

a. Choose two people at random from your toy data. Run a query to check if they are connected via a path in the graph.
b. Run a query to detect who are the people who have the (i) most "friends" (or neighbors) and, (ii) least "friends".
c. Run a query to find the average number of friends per person in the network.

Your report should contain the following:

1. A brief (but complete) description of the social network and the data you are using.
2. A description and diagram showing your data model.
3. A snapshot of all the queries you ran in neo4j. Use script in Unix and similar tools in Windows. Or, use screenshots.
4. The code used to create the database, insert the data, and query the data.
5. Discuss how long each query took to run. Also, discuss which queries were "easier" to write using a graph database.

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Computer Engineering: Choose a social network that you use say facebook twitter
Reference No:- TGS01702213

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