
Choose a science news article highlighting a current event

Human Nutrition and Diet

This graded discussion covers what our cells need and why. 

Part 1 - Essay (Worth 40 Points)

Choose a science news article highlighting a current event or recent research related to the essay topic: Human Nutrition and Diet 

In searching for an appropriate article, the following online science news sources are suggested:

  • Science Daily 
  • e! Science News
  • Phys.org

Do NOT use reference-type websites (i.e., Wikipedia) or internet blogs as sources.

Write a 300 word essay about the article, including each of the following in a separate paragraph:

  1. A summaryin your own words, of the article's highlights and main points (about 10 sentences or about 100 words).
  2. A discussionin your own words and ideas, containing specific points on how the article relates to concepts studied in class this week (10 sentences / 100 words).
  3. A discussionin your own words and ideas, of why the article is important (about 10 sentences or about 100 words). This part focuses on one of the goals of this course - relating science to practical application and everyday life.
  • At the end of your essay, include the exact web address that will link directly to the article
  • Cite all sources of information used in your essay appropriately. Do NOT use reference-type websites (e.g., Wikipedia) or internet
  • blogs as information sources
  • Post Part 1 of your assignment to the Discussion Board by Thursday, 11:59 pm ET. Submit your assignment to TurnItIn through the digital drop box
  • Grading Criteria for the Essay and Response


Three common types of plagiarism you need to be aware of as a student:

  • Recycling a paper; "double-dipping"; self-plagiarism: Reusing a paper you have written for a previous course
  • Copying directly from a source without proper quotations or paraphrasing: When you try to pass something off as your own work
  • Not using proper citations

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Biology: Choose a science news article highlighting a current event
Reference No:- TGS02318084

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