
Choose a rule that has not already been described there

Name one safety rule for any weather danger. Choose a rule that has not already been described. There clearly will be several rules within each major weather event. Give the reason why you chose this rule and the weather event for which it provides protection. If you have a personal experience when you or a neighbor failed to follow this rule, feel free to share it with the class. Remember, this can be a rule from any weather hazard listed above and from any venue, or another not listed. To avoid a simple list, writ3 at least 100 words describing the validity of the rule you selected to present.

Before you post, make sure you know what events are weather hazards. For example, tsunamis are forecasted via the National Weather Service's forecasting system, but they are not weather hazards. They are caused by underwater earthquakes. Similarly, ocean waves are caused by the wind blowing the water, but ocean tides are caused by the sun and the moon. Restrict the discussion to actual weather hazards.

Italicize and bold your rule. Let's see as a class how many different rules we can name and describe!

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Dissertation: Choose a rule that has not already been described there
Reference No:- TGS02414803

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