
Choose a publicly traded company and submit its name for

Based on historical financial data, find FCF for the company of your choice (CVS Health Corp)

1. In week 1 please choose a publicly traded company and submit its name for instructor's approval. Please do not choose a company which became public less than 3 years ago. It is also a good idea to choose a company that is already paying dividends on regular basis. Finally, please avoid financial service companies (banks etc.), because they have very specific structure.

2. Download annual financial data for the last 5 years from Edgar Website (forms 10-K). Attention: if your company became public less than 5 years ago, you will also have to download data from its IPO filing prospectus (form 424B4)

3. Using approach similar to the one described in this module's Excel file you will have to calculate the FCF for the company of your choice. I suggest starting from the FS to FCF Practice Template and adjust it accordingly

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Corporate Finance: Choose a publicly traded company and submit its name for
Reference No:- TGS02676606

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