Essay Paper #1: Personal narrative and analogy
Choose a major theme explored in one of the works from this class that you found personally meaningful, powerful, or challenging and relate it to a specific personal experience in your own life (For example: The theme of "discovering/creating personal identity" in Persepolis.) Your essay should show specific points of comparison, referring both to the text (with proper MLA citation) as well as to your own experience. Some questions to consider:
- Describe the personal experience. At what point in reading this work did you realize how this theme, as explored in the text, relates to your own life? Are the parallels explicit, or are they more subtle and/or abstract? Explain. (Please use specific citations from the text to support your answer.)
- Did you find reading about this theme exciting? Did it make you uncomfortable? What was your reaction? Describe as specifically as you can.
- What benefits might this work have for other readers with experiences/reactions similar to yours? What might be some of drawbacks or weaknesses?