Choose a hospitality-related topic from the following list


Learner assessment guide and evidence

This assessment requires you to research information on the hospitality industry and share the information you obtained with your team.

You are required to do the following.

  • Complete Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Assessment D
  • Complete all research tasks.
  • Present information on the hospitality industry to your colleagues or team.
  • Answer all the questions.

Task 1: Research and collate information on a hospitality topic

Choose a hospitality-related topic from the following list or another topic relevant to your workplace or chosen industry. You must obtain approval from your assessor for any alternative topics prior to commencing your research.

  • New beverage/s on the market
  • New food trends in restaurants
  • An Australian winery or hospitality-related business
  • New trends in hospitality

Research the following information about your chosen topic.

  • A detailed overview of the organisation or product/service
  • Its relevance to the industry
  • The part it plays in promoting the industry
  • How/why it could enhance the quality of your work performance

Conduct your research using one or more of the following methods.

  • Internet
  • Library, reference books, journal articles, newspaper articles or other media.
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Discussion with industry personnel, networking

Display professional and personal standards when conducting research.

  • If interviewing clients or industry representatives face-to-face or over the phone, make an appointment with the client and prepare appropriate questions prior to the meeting
  • Seek permission to take notes and explain the reason for your research
  • Ensure all information obtained from the internet is from a valid, reliable and current source, and cross-check all researched information with other sources to ensure accuracy
  • Information should be obtained from three or more sources.
  • Use your research results to answer all the questions.

Question and answer:

Q1: Briefly explain the topic you have chosen.

Q2: List the sources of information you used to research the topic.

Provide the following information.

  • Website/pagehost (e.g., business name, government department, etc.), article or blog name (if applicable) and full web address
  • Book title, author(s), relevant chapter and year of publication
  • Magazine or newspaper name, date of publication and name of relevant article
  • Name of person, title and workplace
  • Name and address of hospitality venues visited for personal observation

Q3: Write three open and closed questions you could ask colleagues, industry professionals or others to obtain information relevant to your topic.

Q4: Briefly summarise the results of your research.

Q5: How has your chosen topic impacted the hospitality industry? Briefly discuss what aspects or segments of the industry have been affected and if the impacts are beneficial or detrimental.

Q6: How could you use this research to improve your workplace or your team's performance?

Q7: Explain how you can monitor the progression of the new trend or your researched topic.

Task 2: Share researched information

Present the results of the research conducted in Task 1 with your colleagues or team.

The presentation should include the following information, based on your responses to Task 1 questions.

  • Your topic
  • Research techniques used and sources of information
  • A summary of the researched information or results obtained
  • Impact on the hospitality industry
  • Impact on the workplace
  • Changes or improvements to the workplace as a result of the trend or information researched

Information can be shared in the following situations.

  • Presented in a formal or informal team meeting or a pre-service briefing in the workplace or training environment
  • In a presentation to a class or group of hospitality students in your training environment

Presentation duration must be a minimum of 15 minutes.

You can use any appropriate tools to assist your presentation, such as a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, samples of items researched, etc.

At the end of the presentation allow time for team members to ask questions.

Your assessor will assess you on the following skills and knowledge.

  • Ability to use appropriate communication skills to share information with colleagues to improve knowledge of the hospitality industry

Deliver your presentation.

Task 3: Research legal, ethical or industry information

Research two topics that have significant legal and ethical implications in your workplace.

Use different sources ofinformation from those used in Task 1.

Choose one ethical or industry research topicfrom the following list.

  • Workplace codes of conduct
  • Industry accreditation schemes
  • Ethical industry practices

Choose one legislative research topic from the following list.

  • Workplace health and safety
  • Responsible service of alcohol
  • Responsible conduct of gaming
  • Food safety standards and procedures
  • Licensing requirements to protect local communities from alcohol-related anti-social behaviours
  • Industrial relations, such as equal employment opportunity (EEO)award provisions, rights and responsibilities of employees and employers

Ensure you research information on legislative requirements in your state or territory.

Focus on one aspect of your chosen topic that has a direct impact on your performance in the workplace or training environment.

Conduct your research using one or more of the following methods.

  • Internet
  • Library, reference books, journal articles, newspaper articles or other media
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Discussion with industry personnel, networking

Display professional and personal standards when conducting research.

  • If interviewing clients or industry representatives face-to-face or over the phone, make an appointment with the client and prepare appropriate questions prior to the meeting
  • Seek permission to take notes and explain the reason for your research
  • Ensure all information obtained from the internet is from a valid, reliable and current source and cross-check all researched information with other sources to ensure accuracy

Use your research results to answer all the questions.

Ethical or industry: Question and answer

Q1: What is your topic of research?

Q2: What are the general implications of this issue in your workplace?

Q3: How does it impact your day-to-day tasks?

Legislation: Question and answer

Q4: What's the title of the legislation and/or regulations that sets legislative requirements for your chosen topic?

Q5: What are its primary objectives?

Q6: What are its benefits to you in your workplace or training environment?

Q7: How does it impact your day-to-day operations? Does it help you improve your performance?

Q8: How can you use this information in your day-to-day activities to ensure you comply with the legislation?

Q9: Have you ever seen or known of non-compliance to this legislation? If so, provide examples.

Task 4: Source information on hospitality industry structure

Research information on one sector of the hospitality industry or another hospitality industry sector. You must obtain approval from your assessor for an alternative sector prior to commencing your research.

Choose one sector from the following list.

  • Hotel - food and beverage facilities only
  • Hotel - food, beverage and accommodation facilities
  • Restaurant/café
  • Resort
  • Entertainment venue
  • Gaming venue
  • Function or event venue

Conduct your research using one or more of the following methods.

  • Internet
  • Library, reference books, journal articles, newspaper articles or other media
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Discussion with industry personnel, networking

Display professional and personal standards when conducting research.

  • If interviewing clients or industry representatives face-to-face or over the phone, make an appointment with the client and prepare appropriate questions prior to the meeting
  • Seek permission to take notes and explain the reason for your research
  • Ensure all information obtained from the internet is from a valid, reliable and current source, and cross-check all researched information with other sources to ensure accuracy

Use your research results to answer all the questions.

Question and answer:

Q1: What is your chosen sector?

Q2: Name four job roles commonly found in this sector.

Q3: List the responsibilities of one of the job roles listed in Q2.

Q4: What is a potential career path for your chosen job role?

Q5: What are the key characteristics of your chosen industry sector? What products and services are provided, where are businesses commonly located, what type of clientele do they appeal to?

Q6: List the operational and non-operational departments commonly found in this type of establishment.

Q7: What is the economic impact of this industry sector? If possible, provide details on how much revenue the sector generates and how many people are employed.

Task 5: Source information on a trade union and an industry association

Research a trade union and an industry association body related to your industry sector and job role selected in Task 4.

If you work in the industry, answer the questions according to your current job role and workplace's industry sector.

Conduct your research using one or more of the following methods.

  • Internet
  • Library, reference books, journal articles, newspaper articles or other media
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Discussion with industry personnel, networking

Display professional and personal standards when conducting research.

  • If interviewing clients or industry representatives face-to-face or over the phone, make an appointment with the client and prepare appropriate questions prior to the meeting
  • Seek permission to take notes and explain the reason for your research
  • Ensure all information obtained from the internet is from a valid, reliable and current source, and cross-check all researched information with other sources to ensure accuracy

Use your research results to answer all the questions.

Question and answer:

Q1: What's the name of the trade union?

Q2: What's the main role of a union?

Q3: What are the benefits of joining this union?

Q4: Do you have to join this union to work in the hospitality industry?

Q5: What's the name of an industry association related to your industry sector?

Q6: What's the main role of this association?

Task 6: Research a current technology

Research technology that is currently operating in your workplace or training environment. The technology must be less than five years old.

Conduct your research using one or more of the following methods.

  • Internet
  • Library, reference books, journal articles, newspaper articles or other media
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Discussion with industry personnel, networking

Display professional and personal standards when conducting research.

  • If interviewing clients or industry representatives face-to-face or over the phone, make an appointment with the client and prepare appropriate questions prior to the meeting
  • Seek permission to take notes and explain the reason for your research
  • Ensure all information obtained from the internet is from a valid, reliable and current source, and cross-check all researched information with other sources to ensure accuracy

Use your research results to answer all the questions.

Question and answer:

Q1: What is this technology and when was it implemented?

Q2: Explain how this technology works. What does it actually do?

Q3: Which department(s) of your business does it affect?

Q4: How does this technology benefit your business operations from an employee's and employer's perspective?

Q5: How does it make your job easier or more difficult?

Task 7: Research an emerging technology

Research an emerging technology that is becoming widely used in the hospitality industry.

Potential topics for research include the following.

  • Catering systems
  • Applications for electronic devices and computers
  • Computer-aided despatch systems
  • Food production systems
  • Industry online booking systems
  • Industry reservations, operations and financial and tracking systems
  • Project management systems
  • Social media sites 

Conduct your research using one or more of the following methods.

  • Internet
  • Library, reference books, journal articles, newspaper articles or other media
  • Personal observation and experience
  • Discussion with industry personnel, networking

Display professional and personal standards when conducting research.

  • If interviewing clients or industry representatives face-to-face or over the phone, make an appointment with the client and prepare appropriate questions prior to the meeting
  • Seek permission to take notes and explain the reason for your research
  • Ensure all information obtained from the internet is from a valid, reliable and current source, and cross-check all researched information with other sources to ensure accuracy

Use your research results to answer all the questions.

Question and answer:

Q1: Explain the emerging technology. How does it work?

Q2: How would this technology benefit your workplace?

Your employer

You and your team

Q3: What are the negative aspects or possible difficulties (if any) of introducing this technology into your business?

Q4: If this technology was implemented in your workplace, what tasks or service standards would be directly affected?

Q5: What training would you need to incorporate this new technology into your daily tasks?

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Dissertation: Choose a hospitality-related topic from the following list
Reference No:- TGS02302764

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