
Choose a firm that sells their products through more than

Choose a firm that sells their products through more than one channel of distribution. (For example, Miller beer is sold through grocery stores, convenience stores, liquor stores, restaurants, bars, and stadiums—each is a different channel.) Address the following: (a) Identify the firm and products you have selected to discuss. There are many ways a firm could distribute its products. Different kinds of firms approach the management of distribution in different ways. Why is this? Briefly explain using the firm you have selected and/or its competitors to illustrate your thinking. (b) List and describe a process you would recommend to your selected firm to use in designing their channel strategy. Break it down to a step-by-step process and briefly describe each step. (c) Marketers sometimes switch their product's distribution to a different marketing channel. Why? Describe reasonable circumstances that might lead to switching to a different marketing channel. Give

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Business Economics: Choose a firm that sells their products through more than
Reference No:- TGS01356863

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