
Choose a film or tv show directed by a black filmmaker


WRITE a one-paragraph overview of the Final Media project that you plan to produce to illustrate your main arguments in your Final Paper. READ the directions for the Final Project below, write your one-paragraph response.

Create a PowerPoint presentation, to illustrate the thesis of your Final Paper. This part of the final project will be judged on the following criteria: The presentation was well-organized and efficient. Clear organizational signposts were used. The presentation includes compelling and creative audio/visual aids. The audio/visual aids enhanced rather than distracted from the message. The presentation shows evidence of critical thinking. The presenter distinguished fact/data from opinion/interpretation.

For more information regarding FULL Final Assignment, see details below.


Choose a Film OR TV Show (2+ episodes) directed by a black filmmaker/ artist OR that features a black performance artist in the leading role and write a 5-page paper (12-pt font, double spaced) analyzing how the main characters demonstrate the intersection of race, class, and gendered identities. How do the characters illustrate the concept of "diversity within blackness"? Does the use of drama, suspense, psychological thriller, comedy, satire, or irony reinforce or challenge negative stereotypes of blackness? If so, or if not, why? Please pay careful attention to how geographic location and historical context shape the characters' worldviews. Scroll down to see list of choices of films and TV series.



Create a PowerPoint presentation, Prezzi, or short video (no longer than 5 min) to illustrate your thesis. This part of the final project will be judged on the following criteria: The presentation was well-organized and efficient. Clear organizational signposts were used. The presentation includes compelling and creative audio/visual aids. The audio/visual aids enhanced rather than distracted from the message. The presentation shows evidence of critical thinking. The presenter distinguished fact/data from opinion/interpretation.

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Other Subject: Choose a film or tv show directed by a black filmmaker
Reference No:- TGS02506809

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