
Choose a famous leader in history for example winston

1)"Essential Skills for a Project Manager." Please respond to the following:  

  • Choose a famous leader in history (for example, Winston Churchill, George Washington, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Chairman Mao).
  • Identify the projects this person led.
  • Identify the attributes and skills they brought to their project management roles.

2) "Essential Skills for a Project Manager." Please respond to the following:  

  • Choose a famous leader in history (for example, Winston Churchill, George Washington, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Chairman Mao).
  • Identify the projects this person led.
  • Identify the attributes and skills they brought to their project management roles.
  • Evaluate those attributes and skills.

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Business Management: Choose a famous leader in history for example winston
Reference No:- TGS01571688

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