Choose a current or recent event that illustrates a privacy concern. Use and cite at least one quality news article or story. How does the article explain a theme or themes from our textbook or other class sources? Offer your opinion, thoughts or insight as well.
Some ideas of places to go for your news story:
• The (hover over News and you will be able to choose House or Senate) (
• New York Times (
• Politico (check out the Congress tab) (
• Roll Call (
• The LA Times (check out US tab and then Politics) (
1. Create a 250 word summary of your article. Make certain to include a citation.
2. Create 1 or 2 thought questions about the article.(100 words,) These should be questions that help your classmates' think more deeply about the topic and their own perspective. Such as:
1. If .... happened, what do you think would happen?
2. How should the President/Congress/the Supreme Court/the American public respond to...?
3. Why do you think...?
4. How do you feel about...?