
Choose a current newspaper article no older than two years

1. Choose a current newspaper article (no older than two years before the start of your course contract) that describes a genetic study.* The article cannot be from a medical/health type of information source (such as Science Daily), or from a scientific publication. Summarize the information presented in the article in paragraph form by addressing the points below. (If you cannot address all or nearly all of these points, choose another article.) Include any other information relevant to your studies in this course, as provided in the article.

  • describe the phenotype of the trait.
  • describe the genetic basis of the trait, identifying known genes, other genes involved, and any contributing environmental factors (or other information provided) that are relevant to expression of the trait.
  • name the mode of inheritance if it is given or if you can deduce it.
  • describe the particular type of mutation, as applicable.
  • describe the related protein and its normal and mutant effects.
  • identify any genetic technologies used in the study.
  • does the author make any errors in use of terminology?

Include a copy of the article (original, copy, or pdf attachment) with your assignment and provide a complete reference. Information on citing and referencing is available through the AU Library Help Centre, accessible through the AU or course homepages.

Do not research the trait beyond the scope of the article. The intent is for you to critically read information presented in the popular press and summarize or interpret it using your knowledge of the unit objectives you have studied thus far in the course.

* You can access newspaper articles in the Canadian Newsstand Complete online database through the AU Library:


Search for articles about genetics using some variation of the term "genetic(s) studies." You can add the name of a disorder or phenotype that is of interest to you.

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Management Theories: Choose a current newspaper article no older than two years
Reference No:- TGS02444749

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