
Choose a consistent slide design for the entire


First, open a blank Impress presentation. The topic of the presentation is YOU! You will create a slide show with 8 slides as follows. Make sure you add a title to each slide. As you create slides, keep in mind that you will be required to use at least two different slide layouts (not including your title slide) in the presentation (such as title and content or title and 2-content):

Slide 1

A title slide that includes your name

Slide 2

Basic information about yourself (your birthday, your current age, where you were born, where you currently live)

Slide 3

Your family (your parents, any siblings, pets, etc.)

Slide 4

Your friends (tell me a little bit about your friends, what types of things do you do together)

Slide 5

Your hobbies (what do you do in your spare time)

Slide 6

A listing of your favorite things as follows (you can choose other categories):


Slide 7

Your Choice! Choose something to tell me about yourself.

Slide 8

Your future career aspirations

Once you have created your slides, you will edit and format them to make a nice presentation about yourself. You MUST include the following:

1. Choose a consistent slide design for the entire presentation.

2. Use at least 2 different slide layouts (not including the title slide)

3. Add clip art and/or pictures to at least 2 slides. Use images sparingly. Do not turn in any slides that have only images and no text. You will not get credit for them.

4. Add a slide transition to each slide.

5. Use at least one each of an entrance effect, exit effect, and emphasis effect.

6. Use short bulleted text - no paragraphs!

7. Proofread your presentation to make sure it is free from any errors in spelling or grammar.

When you are finished, save your presentation as "About Me Project". Submit it to the correct dropbox basket.

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Dissertation: Choose a consistent slide design for the entire
Reference No:- TGS02433922

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