
Choose a concept that is relevant to an experience in your

Paper 1- The student will choose a key term from chapters Introducing Psychology, Psychological Science, or Brains, Bodies, and Behavior and write about an experience the student has had in relation to this concept.

Choose a concept that is relevant to an experience in your life and write about those experiences. So do not write about how a concept could relate to your life, write about how it has related to your life (past tense).

To receive the full credit, the responses need to be respectful to your classmates, thoughtful, well written (spelling, grammar, etc.,), understandable, relevant, between 100 and 150 words (no more, no less), and concise (no fluff). I urge you not to choose a general term found in normal conversation, (i.e. "Learning", "Stress" or "Memory") - words found in the title of a chapter. You need to include somewhere in the title area, the key term and the chapter and page number in the Stangor text from which term was taken.

Paper 2- The student will choose a key term from chapter Learning or Memory and write about an experience the student has had in relation to this concept.

Choose a concept that is relevant to an experience in your life and write about those experiences. So do not write about how a concept could relate to your life, write about how it has related to your life (past tense). To receive the full credit, the responses need to be respectful to your classmates, thoughtful, well written (spelling, grammar, etc.,), understandable, relevant, between 100 and 150 words (no more, no less), and concise (no fluff). I urge you not to choose a general term found in normal conversation, (i.e. "Learning", "Stress" or "Memory") - words found in the title of a chapter. You need to include somewhere in the title area, the key term and the chapter and page number in the Stangor text from which term was taken.

Paper 3 - The student will choose a key term from chapters Growing and Developing, Emotions, Motivations, Stress and Health, or Personality and write about an experience the student has had in relation to this concept.

Choose a concept that is relevant to an experience in your life and write about those experiences. So do not write about how a concept could relate to your life, write about how it has related to your life (past tense). To receive the full credit, the responses need to be respectful to your classmates, thoughtful, well written (spelling, grammar, etc.,), understandable, relevant, between 100 and 150 words (no more, no less), and concise (no fluff). I urge you not to choose a general term found in normal conversation, (i.e. "Learning", "Stress" or "Memory") - words found in the title of a chapter. You need to include somewhere in the title area, the key term and the chapter and page number in the Stangor text from which term was taken.

Textbook - Introduction to Psychology, v. 1.0.1 (Charles Stangor)

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Other Subject: Choose a concept that is relevant to an experience in your
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