1. Choose a company that you will focus on for all of the assignments. Once you select a company, you cannot switch! Some notes on choosing a company:
a. Choose a company that you can obtain lots of information on. This can be either a publically traded company or a company you work for or own.
b. Companies in traditional industries (manufacturing, consumer discretionary) may be easier to work with.
c. Resources: BusinessWeek, SEC Online (Edgars), NU Library (Reference USA, D&B Million Dollar Database), yahoo.com/finance.
2. Put together an excel worksheet with theincome statement, balance sheet and statement of cash flows for the most recent year.
3. Create a common size income statement and balance sheet for your company. (Most recent year).
4. Perform ratio analysis on your company for the most recent year. At a minimum you should have 10 ratios.