
Choose a career interest topic for your final project due

Assignment: Concept Map & Short Paragraph

Before you begin, take a moment to look ahead to Week 7 Assignment. Read the assignment carefully. Shape your work in this Week 2 Assignment, and all other assignments, around the goal of producing a multi-media presentation.

PART 1: Choose a career interest topic for your final project due later in the course. Your career interest topic should be realistic and one that you are actually interested in learning more about. The career interest might be a field in which you could become employed after completing your APUS degree program or additional training.

Using your career interest topic, create a concept map OR an outline to define the task in your research process. Use the process of outlining or mapping the topic for your final project so that you can focus your topic and determine the nature and types of information you will need later in our course. This assignment is a brainstorming activity, not a research task.

In your outline  OR concept map, include the following:

  • 1 Sentence stating which career interest/discipline you will explore
  • 4 or more specific questions about your career interest that can be later answered through source searching and presented in your final project
  • For each question, two or more detail statements that describe the type of information needed to answer the question (the actual answers are not yet needed)
  • For each detail statement or statement pair, a description of what kinds of sources might be helpful in providing the information you need
  • Format appropriately for either an outline or concept map

An outline can be easily created using a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word. Formal, detailed outlines are useful organizational strategies--the more detail you include, the easier the final project will come together. If you choose to use an outline, it must be very detailed. Consider searching outlining strategies and designs.

Concept maps can be developed through one of several available websites or drawn by hand and scanned for submission:

  • CMAP Tools https://cmap.ihmc.usThis tool allows you to move between devices.
  • https://bubbl.us/ This site allows concept map creation and has a companion app
  • https://www.smartdraw.com/specials/ppc/mind-map-software.htm?id=264237 This site includes  a free trial
  • https://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Free mind mapping software
  • Gliffy https://www.gliffy.com
  • X-mind https://www.xmind.net
  • Mindmeister https://www.mindmeister.com
  • Mindmoto https://www.mindomo.com

PART 2: Write one paragraph (5-6 sentences) describing the information you listed in your concept map. Your paragraph should describe the career interest topic you chose, the questions you will answer in your project, the types of information needed to answer those questions, and your predictions of source types you might need.


PART 1-Your Concept Map or Outline should be submitted as a .doc, .docx, .jpg, .pdf, or weblink as appropriate for the document you have created. The document should be attached to your assignment submission.

PART 2-Your paragraph should be pasted into the submission textbox in the assignment area.

Once you have attached the concept map or outline and pasted your paragraph into the window, click "submit" to send this assignment to your instructor for grading and feedback.

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Business Management: Choose a career interest topic for your final project due
Reference No:- TGS01628669

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