
Choose a research article from a professional journal on a

Choose a research article from a professional journal on a current HR-related topic. The article should contain information on an actual study of a hypothesis with corresponding results.

Write a 3-5 page critique of the article contents and your reaction t the study and its applicability to today's organizations. Your critique should answer the following questions and covering the suggested topics:

1. What is the focus of the research study? Why did you choose it and what interested you?
2. What is/are the hypothesis/hypotheses or specific research questions?
3. Identify the dependent (outcome-what the researcher wants to effect) and the independent (treatment-what the researcher is manipulating) variables.
Ex: Companies that use drug testing have better workforce productivity that those organizations that do not use drug testing in employment screening.
DV- better workforce productivity
IV-using drug testing
In this case, if the company is not more productive after using drug testing in the screening process, then resources have been wasted.
4. What methods were used in the study?
a. Subjects
i. Selection of sample (random, nonrandom, control group, other)
ii. Size of sample - # of individuals compared to population chosen
iii. Types of individuals
b. Methodology
i. Appropriate control of variables
ii. Data collection process
iii. Measuring instrument reliability
c. Transferability of the learning to your organization
d. How do the results correspond with current Best Practices in HR?
5. Discuss the results and if the data supported the hypothesis/hypotheses.
6. Discuss how the results could be used in your organization.

List of Academic Literature (Referre
d Journals & Peer Reviewed Journals)
1.Academy of Management Review
2.Academy of Management Journal
3.Administrative Science Quarterly
4.American Journal of Small Business
5.Business and Society Review
6.Business Economics
7.Business Horizons
8.California Management Review
9.Columbia Journal of World Business
10.Decision Sciences
11.Financial Management
12.Harvard Business Review
13.Human Relations
14.Human Resource Management
15.Human Resource Quarterly
16.Industrial and Labor Relations Review
17.Industrial Marketing Management
18.Journal of Accountancy
19.Journal of Advertising Research
20.Journal of Applied Behavior Science
21.Journal of Applied Psychology
22.Journal of Bank Research
23.Journal of Banking and Finance
24.Journal of Business Research
25.Journal of Business Strategy
26.Journal of Human Resources
27.Journal of Industrial Economics
28.Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)
29.Journal of Management Information Systems
30.Journal of Management Studies
31Journal of Marketing
32.Journal of Marketing Research
33.Journal of Organizational Behavior
34.Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
35.Journal of Product Innovation Management
36.Journal of Retailing
37.Leadership Quarterly
38.Management Review
39.Management Science
40.Organization Science
41.Organizational Behavior & Human Decision
42.Personnel Journal
43.Production and Inventory Management
44.Quality and Quantity: Journal of Methodology
Quality Management Journal46.Quirk's Marketing Research Review
47.Sloan Management Review
48.Strategic Management Journal
49.Journal of Workplace Learning
50.Journal of Knowledge management
51.Journal of Business Strategies
52.Information Resources Management Journal
53.Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance
54.Organization Science
55.Personnel Psychology
56.The Journal of the Operation Research Society
57.Financial Management
58.Journal of Managerial Issues
59.Ivey Business Journal and Training

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Management Theories: Choose a research article from a professional journal on a
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