Choose 4 essay questions from the list below each question

Choose 4 essay questions from the list below (each question MUST be from a different section). Final Exam essay questions are based on sections 7-13 (VIII-XIV) on the lecture outline, which roughly corresponds with chapters 23-29 in the textbook. Each essay is worth 25 points, for a total of 100 points per exam.

Note: Only the exact specified questions listed will be accepted for the Final Exam.

Other Exam Requirements and Specifications: Answers for each of the four essay questions must be more than 300 words (1,200 words for the entire Final exam). Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count. Grades will be based on the content of the answer, but should be of sufficient length to answer the question.

All 4 answers should be submitted together in a single word processing document.

Before each answer, you must list the question it is addressing.

The Final Exam is not timed, so you may use your textbook, the course reader, or other outside sources. In the case of the textbook, course reader, and lecture notes, only direct quotes need to be cited, requiring only the author's last name in parentheses. Outside sources (books, websites, etc.) may also be used, but in this case all information must be cited and must be listed in a bibliography (or works cited) at the end of the essay. No specific citation style is required. You will submit your paper through plagiarism checking software, so be sure to cite any and all direct quotes. Be sure to cite any direct quotes and list any and all outside sources after your answers (no specific citation style is required).

You will submit your Final Exam through the link below, which will run it through an online plagiarism checking software. If plagiarism is found, your exam will not be accepted. Check the course outline and calendar for deadlines.

  1. Essay Questions for Section VII
  2. Explain why 1919 was such a chaotic year for the United States. How did that chaos affect the 1920 presidential election?
  3. How and why did Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge redirect the nation's politics away from Progressivism? Why was that shift so popular? How did it affect the nation's economy?
  4. How and why did the United States attempt national prohibition? How successful were the government's policies? In what ways did national prohibition affect American society and culture in the short and long term?
  5. How and why did the positions of Women, African-Americans, and Mexican-Americans change in American society during the 1920s?
  6. Essay Questions for Section VIII
  7. Explain the major causes of the Great Depression. How were Americans affected by the Depression?
  8. Describe three specific New Deal programs.
  9. What were the main goals of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, how did it attempt to achieve those goals, and how successful was it at achieving them?
  10. Essay Questions for Section IX
  11. How and why did Fascism spread across Europe in the 1920s and 1930s? Why did it concern Roosevelt?
  12. Why did Congress create the Neutrality Acts? How did those acts attempt to keep the United States out of the war? In what ways did the president undermine those efforts?
  13. Explain why the United States' relationship with Japan was so strained by the late 1930s? Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor in 1941?
  14. How and why did the United States become involved in World War II?
  15. Explain the importance of American military forces, leaders, industry, and technology in the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II.
  16. How was the American home front affected by World War II? How did the government promote the war effort? How and why did the government restrict civil liberties? How and why were racial and ethnic tensions exacerbated by the war? How did the war affect the economy?
  17. Essay Questions for Section X
  18. How and why did World War II destabilize geopolitics? Why were the United States and the Soviet Union considered to be the only remaining super powers?
  19. What was the Cold War and how did it start?
  20. Why did the United States develop the containment policy, and how did the Truman administration implement it? How did the Eisenhower administration implement a different version of it?
  21. What was the Second Red Scare? How and why did it grow so quickly? How did it affect the politics and society of the United States?
  22. Why did the CIA assist in the overthrow of governments in Iran and Guatemala? Why did the United States support the authoritarian governments that replaced them?
  23. Essay Questions for Section XI
  24. In what ways did American politics and the American economy change from 1946-1960? What role did television and "the good life" play in those changes? What affect did the Cold War have on those changes?
  25. Essay Questions for Section XII
  26. In the decades following World War II, in what ways did Supreme Court decisions affect the struggle for civil rights? (use at least 2 cases in your answer)
  27. In what ways did the federal government (excluding the Supreme Court) affect the struggle for civil rights in the decades following World War II?
  28. How and why did civil rights groups become more active following World War II? How did experiences in and after the war affect civil rights movements?
  29. Explain the roles of the grassroots civil rights groups and of those focused on the court system? Why were both important to the major civil rights successes of the 1950s and 1960s?
  30. How and why did many civil rights groups "radicalize" in the second half of the 1960s, and in what ways did that radicalization affect the success of the broader civil rights movement?
  31. Describe at least three of Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" programs? How and why was the "War on Poverty" at the center on his vision? In what ways did these programs reshape American society and politics?
  32. Essay Questions for Section XIII
  33. Describe at least three of the major foreign policy challenges faced by John F. Kennedy? How did he implement containment in each of these instances? How successful were his policies?
  34. How and why did the United States become involved in the Vietnam War (examine the actions of the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations in your answer)?
  35. What were American leaders' perceptions about the Vietcong and North Vietnam? How did this inform American military strategy during the war? How accurate were those perceptions? How did that accuracy/inaccuracy affect the outcome of the war?
  36. How was the American home front affected by the Vietnam War? Why was the war so unpopular? What affect did the counterculture movement (hippies) have on the anti-war movement? What affect did the media and television have on public perceptions about the war?
  37. Explain why 1968 was such a chaotic year for the United States. How did that chaos affect the 1968 presidential election?
  38. How did the introduction of television into most American homes affect American society and American politics during the 1950s and 60s?
  39. Essay Questions for Section XIV
  40. What was the Watergate Scandal? Why did Richard Nixon ultimately resign? How did the scandal affect the public perception of the presidency?
  41. What was the Iran Hostage Crisis? Why were Iranians angry at the United States? How did the crisis affect the United States position in the Middle East? How did it affect Jimmy Carter's foreign policy?

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History: Choose 4 essay questions from the list below each question
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