Term Paper and Oral Presentations
Pick any area related to chemistry that interests you. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Nuclear energy
- Fossil fuel combustion
- Pesticides
- Steroids
- Hydraulic fracturing (fracking)
- Climate change
- Food additives
- Antibiotics
- Plastics
- Ozone: protector or polluter
- Genetically modified foods
- Alternative Energy
- Artificial Sweeteners
Additional ideas for topics may be found in the Baruch library database:
The following scientific journals:
Scientific American
Popular Science
New Scientist
The Scientist
You should follow the following guidelines in the preparation of your paper:
- The research paper should choose one recent article as a starting point for an analysis of the issues, both pro and con (perhaps controversial), if possible. So choose a topic that can be subject to such an investigation.
- Topics will be approved on a first-come first-served basis in the event that too many students select the same topic.
- The text of the paper, not including figures, references, tables etc., should be about five (5) pages, double-spaced using a 12 point font with 1-inch margins.
- Wikipedia and other encyclopedias should not be cited but these can be used for finding primary sources.
- Quoted and paraphrased materials cannot exceed more than 25% of the text.
- Throughout the paper and in citations/bibliography use a standardized reference system.
- Preparation and submission of paper must follow milestones listed in syllabus.
- Final version of paper must be submitted on Turnitin.
Topic is Acid rain
Shoud be Abstract, body and conculusion